"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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Ok guys, I'm gonna be away from the computer until next Saturday, so wish Eric a happy birthday for me and I'll try to keep sane without my usual supply of Greg/Ericness.... :p I'll miss you guys! :)
bye sherlockanne! We'll continue spreading the Eric love~ And I mailed his birthday card today, so it might not get to him in time for his birthday but oh well :)
bye sherlockanne! have fun. Feel the love of Greg while your gone.

And iluvEricSzmanda , It's good you sent Eric a card too. You should hear back from him by this time next year!! LOL :lol:
That how's long it took for me!

I used to be in the Air Force Reserves (yrs ago) and I got to spend my two week tour at Nellis AFB. It was so much fun being in Vegas. That was before all the amusment park rides and stuff. I really want to go back and see how it's changed. :D (I honestly would not mind living there)
Bye sherlockanne!

sandersidle said:
haha wow are you thinking of moving to LV? that would be sweet. yeah. greg is still hotttt with body soup but he definatly needs a nice long shower after that. and thanks about my sig... lol. :lol:
No, not quite. My mother doesn't think that's a good environment for me. :( It's quite okay though, since you don't get to live on a beach there. ;)
I mean, would anyone else look good with body soup on their face. And you're welcome.
I put a nice birthday wish for Eric in his birthday card along with a letter. So now that I have that done, I'm good to go. :)
Wojo said:
And iluvEricSzmanda , It's good you sent Eric a card too. You should hear back from him by this time next year!! LOL :lol:
That how's long it took for me!

:eek: He actually replied, Wojo?!?! Wow....I think i would die if I got a response back. :D And did anyone else notice how incredible LONG the mailing adress is?
iluvEricSzmanda said:
Wojo said:
And iluvEricSzmanda , It's good you sent Eric a card too. You should hear back from him by this time next year!! LOL :lol:
That how's long it took for me!

:eek: He actually replied, Wojo?!?! Wow....I think i would die if I got a response back. :D And did anyone else notice how incredible LONG the mailing adress is?

Sure did, I posted it here (or maybe it was the pic thread) but anyway take a look the contents of the letter and the pic he sent right here :D
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