lease favourite season

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Re: least favourite season

I have liked each season less and less. So #7 gets my vote.

The change over in writers is why. Over the years, the writers who created the original 6 characters left the show and new writers have come aboard who didn't have the same vested interest in those characters. They still write for Grissom and Catherine but they aren't as spunky as in the first season. The writers say it's because real-life investigators would have grown weary and jaded in the CSI job. To me, the newer writers just aren't as in touch with them. And they have their preferences among Sara, Nick, Brass and Warrick.

Warrick's almost completely disappeared from the show. Again, some fans say that's because Gary has other projects he's pursuing, but I know at least one writer (Alan McDonald) admitted in an interview he has trouble writing for the character.

The Sara and Nick dynamic that used to be a lot of fun was hardly seen in season 7 and when it was, they were like zombies with each other. Each could have been replaced with any other character in the same scenes and no one would have noticed.

So instead we've seen the more recent writers promote Greg to CSI so they could restructure the character. The Greg fans are split with a significant percentage wishing he'd go back to being lab rat (aka Liam). They don't care for CSI Greg (aka Grasshopper).

They brought in the new character Sofia -- a character they could build from scratch -- but then they redesigned her as detective. They had an overload of CSI-3s so that made some sense.

And they brought in Hodges, made him more and more likable and gave him more and more screen time to the point he had his own episode this year. It was one of the few I did like -- just to contradict myself.

I miss the first writers. I preferred the original characters and we got better doses of them in the early episodes. Hence my vote.
Re: least favourite season

SKYLAR522 said:
So instead we've seen the more recent writers promote Greg to CSI so they could restructure the character. The Greg fans are split with a significant percentage wishing he'd go back to being lab rat (aka Liam). They don't care for CSI Greg (aka Grasshopper).

As a Greg fan I'm going to say I love him as a CSI, I do miss Lab!Greg every now and then, but watching him put things together on a case is just something great.
Re: least favourite season

I say Season 6 is overall my least favorite. Maybe 4-5 eps I really loved, the rest kind of bored me.

Also as a Greg fan, I love him as a CSI. It is nice to see a character grow on a show, be promoted and such.
Re: least favourite season

On the Greg thing, I do love him as a CSI. I just miss his sense of humour that he had in the lab. That, and he had more screen time when he was in the lab. As it stands he's slowly fading away. Aside from Fannysmackin' and Post Mortem, he had hardly any screentime in Season 7, which is why it came such a close second for me... although, the more I see of Season 7, the more I wish I'd voted for it (it's still airing in Australia).
Re: least favourite season

personally i wud say season 6 then 7 mainly because the charecters as pointed out have far less intraction with each other they use to be episdoes were u see all of the cheareters in one eppy and they interact and such now in later seasons they may be episodes that have no warrick or cathrine etc which is annoying i hope they improve in season 8
Re: least favourite season

I had to vote for S7. Although theres been some outstanding episodes (Burnout & Fannysmackin' come to mind) I just wasn't overly impressed with the whole season. I think it's because i'm not a GSR fan, so yeah, that kinda spoiled some of the eps for me. No offence to GSR, each to thier own. And waaaay too much Cath drama, I adore Cath but c'mon! In BtK, seriously, that could never happen to one person in that amount of time. And kinda goin back to the GSR thing, I think they worked too many cases together, Cath & Griss being my fave charactors and sharing hardly any screentime annoyed me intensly. *grumble*
mine would be this last season.

it was good but i expected more and better. they need to get Quentence Tarrentino to come back and do another epi!
that's a surprise. i really didn't think season 7 was sooooo bad. it just shows you how different people really are.
Season 7 for sure...the relationship just took over the show, and it sucked. There were some good parts, the MSCK, and Greg's storyline, but I don't re-watch very many eppys.

I actually liked a lot of season 6, there are some very good stand alone eppys. I didn't like the disappearing act Grissom does near the end, and those eppys are weak. Plus the overall storylines weren't very good, but the stand alone ones, like Dog eat dog, kiss kiss bye bye, and shooting stars are really enjoyable.
Funny how so many people chose 7 due too GSR overload, so much for "it's what everybody wanted to see"

Anyways... my choice, obviously, was season 7. Need I repeat the reason?

I must admit though, I did love the Sofia scenes in S7, she looked so very hot, loved the style they gave her.

But the rest sucked. So little Sara, repetitive story lines, don't know, started out promising but ended in a catastrophe :p

Plus, the cliffhanger at the end was really cheap.
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