"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

Thanks xfcanadian. Now I'm going to miss it, because of work. Damn it.

But, I would've DEFINITELY missed it (Would have recorded 9pm) if you hadn't told us :lol:
i have to miss this epsidoe *sniffle* i wont see it till saturday morning. im at my friends house babysitting and i have to work tommrow night. and i wont be home till sat to watch it one demand *sobs* makes me sad.
well at least you can watch iton demand...
i cant wait, i will have to tape it so i can watch it more than once...

Okay sorry.. I will not use caps next time I speak - but, I love that hat *squeezes hat*

AND... Warrick seems to have a SCENE, perhaps some SCREENTIME in this episode.. This episode just seems to be getting better, and better.

Oh how I love Rambo.
gsrLOVE said:
Thanks xfcanadian. Now I'm going to miss it, because of work. Damn it.

But, I would've DEFINITELY missed it (Would have recorded 9pm) if you hadn't told us :lol:

Well, CBS is also showing it at 9, so we actually have 2 chances to watch it. Love Canadian tv :D
Thank you for letting me know that. I thought for sure I'd have to miss it tomorrow night because of that Grey's special and having to work till 8pm. But now I know it's on at 9pm on CBS. Yeah!!!!

Hurry for Cananda!!! :D
^ Lucky :lol:
can only watch it once tonight, but thanks to the magic that is the internet, I can watch again tommorrow.

Greggo as lizard :lol: Brass was funny to.
Just hope the lady doesn't have anything deadly
that Greg could get from her.

There's got to be an easier way to get a dental impression. :lol: kidding
I'm worried I'll get really lost coming home from my job interview and have to wait for itunes or innertube. Funny thing is though, my interview is at 2 pm. Can someone slap me? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The Cold Opening for this episode is now available to watch on CBS.com through the videos/innertube.
Has anyone else noticed how much they are showing the promo? I watch a lot of CBS shows and man, they are just promoting this episode like crazy! Lol, I'm fine with it and it will be one of their better ones I'm guessing...
I don't watch the CBS channel often (Since most of the shows, I can just catch on CTV) so I haven't noticed any big time promoting.. At least CTV doesn't seem to be, I've noticed a hell of a lot of GA promoting though :lol:

But it's good to hear they ARE promoting this episode, hopefully the ratings will just spike right up - it seems this episode may be a pretty good one.. I mean, come on, any episode with Super Dave is absolutely no less than fun to watch.
now that we have digital cable at my parents house we can watch cbs and get the american commercials instead of the canadian ones. and just during ncis on tuesday i think there were 3 promos for this episode. although it took me until the third one to notice the lizard tongue when brass was drinking the water :lol: