"Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

Some information on Keppler's last episode LOG. It actually mentions Greg, who is the first person to welcome Grissom back according to this article.

Click me
Yay for Greg. I was hoping that it would be Greg who hinted to Grissom that all has not been well in the lab. It will be interesting to see how everything pans out now that Grissom is once again in the game. Also, how will he view Catherine's actions, and what has been happening with the rest of the team...
That's a very intersting article, Wojo. Thank you for posting the link. I enjoyed the Greg spoiler too, and I'm anxious to see him and Grissom interact, even if it is only for a few seconds. I'm really looking forward to this episode.

One thing does bother me a teensy tiny little bit. It's this part:

But there's something about him ... There's something about him. Great actors can do that, you know: Bring something fresh to a character who in lesser hands would be transformed into a lead-bottom cliche. CBS generously says that Keppler's role will be a "recurring" one but it's instructive to note that Schreiber's "Talk Radio" goes into previews next week at Broadway's Longacre Theatre. So my advice would be to tune in to "CSI" to witness a master class in acting and (for that matter) cop shows. You might not get another opportunity.

The way the author is lionizing Liev's acting ability, the article almost implies that the CSI stars aren't in the same league as Liev. And of course this isn't so. They ain't exactly chopped liver.

God forbid that TPTB add another recurring character to this already maxed out on recurring characters show! As great of a thespian as Liev is, I wouldn't want to see him taking up more valuable space from the series regulars. I would, however, love to see him in a play or a film.
You beat me to it, Hottie_Cath!
All I can say after watching that is I will never again think of "Assman" in quite the same way ;)

So does anyone else get the idea that Keppler has been running from a certain "surogate" father figure and now that said father figure has caught up to him, Keppler is covering for him?
Great spoiler vid. It looks like a great episode. Hmm, It'll be interesting to see where Keppler goes from there, and good to see Nick back on good form! :D
Elsie said:
Great spoiler vid. It looks like a great episode. Hmm, It'll be interesting to see where Keppler goes from there, and good to see Nick back on good form! :D

I have a weird feeling he goes from there to a pine box... the steps between will certainly be interesting.
What did Nick say there at the end? His last words, I didn't catch it. He was hilarious though 'I could have used a pair of these' :p
I cannot access any CBS videos on youtube. It seems CBS has violated something..and the account has been banned :(. Does anyone know where else I can find this clip? I'm so impatient :p