When contestants on a reality cooking show accidentally eat human flesh during a competition, the CSI team is brought in to investigate. Chef Wolfgang Puck guest stars as himself and model Catrinel Menghia Marlon returns as Italian bombshell Elisabetta.
Alimi Ballard (Detective Crawford)
Catrinel Menghia Marlon (Elisabetta)
Wolfgang Puck (Wolfgang Puck)
Holley Fain (Nadine Bradley)
Matthew Holmes (Curtis LeBlanc)
Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Michelle Rowlands)
Alastair Duncan (Graham Deveraux)
Kristen Kassinger (Cici)
Coby McLaughlin (Derk Barlow)
Charles Malik Whitfield (Ray)
WRITTEN BY: Treena Hancock and Melissa R. Byer
DIRECTED BY: Frank Waldeck
(Reminder: Nick, Sara, and Brass are not in this episode.)
Alimi Ballard (Detective Crawford)
Catrinel Menghia Marlon (Elisabetta)
Wolfgang Puck (Wolfgang Puck)
Holley Fain (Nadine Bradley)
Matthew Holmes (Curtis LeBlanc)
Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Michelle Rowlands)
Alastair Duncan (Graham Deveraux)
Kristen Kassinger (Cici)
Coby McLaughlin (Derk Barlow)
Charles Malik Whitfield (Ray)
WRITTEN BY: Treena Hancock and Melissa R. Byer
DIRECTED BY: Frank Waldeck
(Reminder: Nick, Sara, and Brass are not in this episode.)