Is it me or is there something seriously wrong with this?
I heard something about how now in school children can no longer play 'original' tag which is what we all probably played. But schools now have 'compliment tag' which is when you tag someone you also have to compliment them.
Also schools have banned dodge ball for fear of injury and targeting specific people. I can understand banning it on safety grounds but how injured can you get being hit by a ball. I say don't ban it but make it completely voluntary.
The final thing that I think destroys kids is games without winners. I can see that they want sports to be fun for everyone but what kind of message do we send when we can't play games with winners and losers. If you think about it having winners and losers teaches kids that in their life they won't always be the best and that they should understand that.
Is it me or are kids today no longer allowed to live as kids should. When I was a kid I played I got injured I turned out fine.
Am I the only one who thinks that kids today can no longer live like kids should. Is it for the better do you all think.
I heard something about how now in school children can no longer play 'original' tag which is what we all probably played. But schools now have 'compliment tag' which is when you tag someone you also have to compliment them.
Also schools have banned dodge ball for fear of injury and targeting specific people. I can understand banning it on safety grounds but how injured can you get being hit by a ball. I say don't ban it but make it completely voluntary.
The final thing that I think destroys kids is games without winners. I can see that they want sports to be fun for everyone but what kind of message do we send when we can't play games with winners and losers. If you think about it having winners and losers teaches kids that in their life they won't always be the best and that they should understand that.
Is it me or are kids today no longer allowed to live as kids should. When I was a kid I played I got injured I turned out fine.
Am I the only one who thinks that kids today can no longer live like kids should. Is it for the better do you all think.