Kids Can No Longe Be Kids

Our German teacher threw chalk at us when we weren't listening - tho it was Upper Secondary School.

My traumas are caused by my first 6 yrs. We had three teachers, two of 'em were married and religious :rolleyes: The pushing the religion at us - telling in the mornings how devils come from lakes and stuff.
And our 1st and 2nd grade teacher. Oh sweet lord - if we asked kitched, what we have for lunch, if she saw us, she came and wrapped hair around her finger and lifted :rolleyes:

As for games, I think the worst was king of the hill :lol: I am sure it is banned nowadays.

Cops and robbers was fun :D

And search for lice - I think nowadays they send letters to home and tell parents to search for lice.

But how much kids have changed. We once asked from 10 yr olds what they do during the breaks - they said "we just hang out" - umm - ok :rolleyes:
But how much kids have changed. We once asked from 10 yr olds what they do during the breaks - they said "we just hang out" - umm - ok
:lol: That's probably because they aren't allowed to do anything else anymore :rolleyes:
Search for lice? Being a little younger than you guys :rolleyes: I honestly cant remember getting a nurse in but I have a feeling one came in to primary school when I was really young!! But I can remember been given those annoying lice combs and useing this horible mousse to kill the damn things!! :lol:

Anyone from England here?? Didnt a teacher get sacked a few weeks ago for slapping a student (or something)????
DragonflyDreamer said:
But how much kids have changed. We once asked from 10 yr olds what they do during the breaks - they said "we just hang out" - umm - ok
:lol: That's probably because they aren't allowed to do anything else anymore :rolleyes:

:lol: Probably
But there is still swings and stuff and they just 'hang out'

It was similar shock when I saw some 7th grade girl, in Nov -20c outside and she was wearing a top at school.

Two weeks ago (I am in a city atm) I was standing on a busstop - next to uni there is comprehensive school (grades 1-9) and there was some girls - I guess they were 11-13 yrs old or so and they looked normal and they had used this horrible black eyeliner and tried to get 'goth' look. I just laughed at them and they gave me bad look.

And for the lice - we never had those in my time in our little school.
I remember the town that I went for Upper Secondary School - it was annual problem. I remember joking (unlike neighbour towns, there was lots of these hiphopdudes) that no wonder because half of the guys wear woollyhat even it's +30c and it's probably never washed.

Erm... but drifiting from the original subject.

As for the games and sports, the winners/the losers - it's not just teaching kids that life isn't always wonderful but it makes them try their best. The most annoying thing at school was the kids who just 'were there' and did nothing and ruined the fun.
Of course teacher has to remember to credit everyone who tries their best - even you are not good at it
(it surely didn't happen in our school :rolleyes: )

Even you can do the stuff outside of the school - I claim that it's easier to pick up a new hobby or sport at school than go to some club or other place to start - it won't happen if your parents are not excited about it.

My sister 'found out' about track & field at school. She wasn't fast, she was overweight but she got excited and as a teenager was one of the best in nation in shotput and discus throw.
It was the reason why my brother started the same thing, being one of the best in country in hurdles and hepathlon. And reason for me, at least for a while, to be one of the best in nation when it came to javelin and shot put (and high jump for few years :p )
Tether ball probably isn't okay, is it? :-/ One good thing about not allowing those games in school is that maybe kids will want to get together and play them after school, instead of going home and sitting inside the rest of the day playing video games (on days when they have little to no homework, of course). Nothing wrong with that :)

Games with winners and losers: ah yeah, I played those in school, though we didn't always keep track of the score. Sometimes it was just fun to play. And even when we did keep score, you didn't win anything but pride and even then, it's a gym game...who cares?

At least those games were more exciting then the torture of having to exercise to Richard Simmons' videos (I kid you not...our high school gym teacher made us do that...the only thing the class ever unanimously disliked).

SpeedsDaughter said:
So what? I'm antisocial, do I sound like I've turned out horrible? :rolleyes:

Why on earth would they think "tag" would lead to antisocial behaviour?

No kidding. I get mine from my parents (both are antisocial). And I would imagine it's easier to blame tag then the parents or the school system itself.
The awesome thing about games with winners is being the winner. :D Back in elementary and middle school, man being on the winning team was awesome.

In Highschool all I cared about was not doing fitness stations and when we got to play basketball. I didn't much care by then if I was on the winning team or not, I just wanted to play me some basketball. BUT in America it's win or lose, we need that competitiveness.

Anti-social usually means people who don't care about the rules or how people are affected by your actions. Most serial killers are anti-social. BUT children can't be anti-social, it's a different mental problem that most grow out of.

*bashes head* I have a sister who majors in psychology, I hear this all the time when someone says they're anti-social
Kam said:
Anti-social usually means people who don't care about the rules or how people are affected by your actions. Most serial killers are anti-social. BUT children can't be anti-social, it's a different mental problem that most grow out of.

*bashes head* I have a sister who majors in psychology, I hear this all the time when someone says they're anti-social

Thank you for posting that. I just learned something new :) What you were typing made me think of a sociopath, which a search of that term revealed a new one: antisocial personality disorder. So I guess people aren't sociopath or psychopaths anymore: they have APD.

Also, no need to bash your head or anyone's heads on things. Educating us on proper term usage is good enough ;-)
well I am in grade 9 now. But I remember in Elementary I was always mad at the lack of things we were actually allowed to do, not to mention we had horrible equipment.

we weren't allowed to play Baseball during recess, I never really understood why. The only reason that ever came to mind was violence, which is still stupid... It's elementary school! what are we gonna do beat some kid with a baseball bat? But wow, I would have loved to play Baseball. The stupidest thing about not being allowed to play baseball was that there is a baseball diamond in the field... it just sat there, we used it for gym occasionally... but not very often, and not for baseball either when it was used in gym.. it was used for soccer baseball.. which would be better known as kickball...

as for the dodgeball thing, as far as I know we can still play it here, but I'm in Canada so that could make somewhat of a difference... But I dunno.

But there is such an increase in overweight kids, some of it probably has to do with the lack of physical activity actually allowed, I guess in some ways school could influence your interest in a sport. A lot of kids these days play video games or watch a lot of tv,I watch a lot of tv, but I play hockey also,so I do get other physical activity besides phys ed. I go to the outdoor rinks in the winter to play hockey.

But you gotta let kids be kids, we get bumps, cuts, scratches,and bruises and whatever, it hurts for the moment, but it can make a great story or experience in the long run.

And I think that if they're going to ban dodgeball because of safety concerns, they should ban water fountains for fear that student may drown because they do not know how to sip the water with proper technique...

yeah ... banning dodgeball is just BULL!