Jag Lady
Lab Technician
Writers, if you're reading this and take it seriously :guffaw:, I challenge you to go back to the early years of each series and take a good look at what made these shows so successful that they ran for this long.
Not every case was a murder. A whodunit is great for variety every so often, but it seems like that's all you have anymore. Every so often, that death or injury was an accident.
The love triangles and quadrangles are really starting to get old! :scream: The eye-sex and "Will they or won't they?" storyline definitely have a shelf life. And spare us the sleeping around; if I want to watch that, I'll tape soap operas.
Clue time: Not sure how it is for you in Hollywood, but here in Flyover Country, where 99% of your fan base is, we have to put up with difficult co-workers in RL. In your early years, the team was a team; the characters WERE characters. They could work together and overcome. If I want to deal with high-school cliques and an us-versus-them, I'll go to work and pull a paycheck for it (as long as I'm still employed, that is).
I'm glad you've brought back some funny moments in some episodes. This was what drew me in to watching in the first place. Keep it balanced.
Not every case was a murder. A whodunit is great for variety every so often, but it seems like that's all you have anymore. Every so often, that death or injury was an accident.
The love triangles and quadrangles are really starting to get old! :scream: The eye-sex and "Will they or won't they?" storyline definitely have a shelf life. And spare us the sleeping around; if I want to watch that, I'll tape soap operas.
Clue time: Not sure how it is for you in Hollywood, but here in Flyover Country, where 99% of your fan base is, we have to put up with difficult co-workers in RL. In your early years, the team was a team; the characters WERE characters. They could work together and overcome. If I want to deal with high-school cliques and an us-versus-them, I'll go to work and pull a paycheck for it (as long as I'm still employed, that is).
I'm glad you've brought back some funny moments in some episodes. This was what drew me in to watching in the first place. Keep it balanced.