Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Great idea! And Sara gets a solo part! Cuz' her voice was so sweet in TTTD! :D Me loves the marshcake! Thanks.
oo! oo! Can I sing too!? lol. I love your graphics!

Happyyyyyyyy!!!! Biiiirthhhhdayyyyyyyy!!!!!!


*pulls out extra marshmellow cakes and throws them at random people..*
Eva, those are absolutely stunning, I know this is the wrong thread (so please excuse me, Dest) for this question, but what program did you use?
Wow, SaraStar! Those are great. Ohkay. *throws marshmellows at Roos and runs away screaming because is being pelted with many marshmellows covered in whip cream* NO! NOT THE WHIPCREAM! NOOO! *falls to floor and sloshes around in big pool of what looks to be beer and marshmellow cake, soon followed by Sara, who sloshes with me.* Hiee, Sara :) *throws guck at Sara, and she attempts to drown me in the guck* Haha. *comes up laughs and sputtering the mess we're sloshing in*

Okay, now we start a sing-a-long *pulls out guitar and micophone* Damn, I left the stool in my other pants. *stomps foot and sits on the ground* Ready, kids? Let's start with Happy Birthday to Sara!
Hahaha, you guys are funny. :D Alright, so we're singing for Sara.

*sings and waits for others to join* :lol:
*closes door* *clears throat* *starts singing*
Ok, I better stop, my mom is banging against the wall, she wants to sleep (it's past one in the morning over here...)
I also agree that the party needs to come to an end, since its getting a bit out of control. Now all of you just nicely pass out and sleep. Or move on to another topic please. Thank you. ;)
WOW! What a party! :lol: Hey- what's this lampshade doing on my head?? *removes lampshade and finds gooey mallows stuck on it* Oh yeah, I put it on when I was escaping the mallow war. :p Is that Sara sleeping on the couch? *goes over to the sleeping beauty, whispers "happy birthday" and kisses her good night* Everyone's passed out on the carpet (sugar overdose? :p) so I guess the party's over. *gently lifts everyone off the floor, plops them into a wheelbarrow and wheels them out to the waiting car for trent to take them home* We had an amazing celebration for Sara, gang. I'm sure she enjoyed herself as much as we did. Well done. :) -End

Now, what can we talk about? Any suggestions anyone? We've talked about her hair, her clothes, her SO CUTEEEEE gap-tooth smile, her beauty (about a bazillion times :D), her tough chick-ness... ehh, what else? *grabs a mallow and sits in the corner to think*
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