Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Fabian said:
Tonight is my mom's birthday party, but I'll just be celebrating for Sara :devil:

hahaha! That is true JorjIAN!

Happy Birthday Sara Sidle. : )

My little brother is having his birthday party today, so I get cake. :D

But am I celebrating his birthday? :devil: No, I'm celebrating Sara's.
I see you followed my directions to the thread of insanity and crazy people. :)

Sara, you're a good girl. Happy birthday to your little brother though. :D
Happy Birthday, Syd!

Er, don't mind me. I'm just piddling around, playing DJ and ducking flying projectiles, here. Ya'll try not to drink too much.

Yo, Mini-Catherine! Could you please not hunch over the....oh, never mind. Bucket to your right. Roos! Manners! SidLer, get that lampshade off your head!


Aw, Geez! Hold on, Syd's managed to climb on the roof, gotta get her down- no honey, you can't have a piggy-back ride...quoth?!? Oh you shouldn't be here, missy, not with all this booze around. No whining, wait in the van. Yes, I mean it.

Sometimes it SUCKS being the designated driver...:lol:
*giggles wildly* TEERRENNNT! *giggles again and takes a swing of what we figure to be punch* Heheehee. Don't tickle me like that.. No. Stop moving *thud* HAPPY SARA'S BDAY, AHAH ROKA. mahaa. I'm so.. drunk. trent, child, are you sure you don't want to have a drink, you could be the designated drunk tonight! *giggles again and picks self up off the floor*
Shure! Everyone's welcome. *grabs fresh armeretto cookies & pesto, whip cream and mallows.* YAY! Now it's a party. *sprays whipcream on mallows and throws them at Mia* HAHA! *one hits Mia in the forehead* :lol:
Oh my god, you want me to throw up? Seriously, I'll settle for some drinks and a kiss from the birthday girl ;) Maybe she wants to lick that whipped cream from my forehead :devil:
Evil girl, you Mia. :devil:. trent, could you please play some Bob Dylan? You're the greatest DJ out there. *drinks beer* Yummy, I love it. *throws mallows at quoth and Sabrina*
Hey, quit throwing marshmallows at me, Roos :p I'm here, aren't I!??

*cough* Happy birthday to the greatest television character ever, Sara Sidle.

See? I don't even like parties, but I'm joining this one :p

I would sing, but I'm going to spare you all that torture and misery as I've gotten both positive and negative remarks about the sound of my singing voice :p
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