Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Hehe. That was funnah. She's turning 35? Oh, I thought I heard she was turning 38. Then it would be TRULY a miracle if she looked so young. But still, wow.

I'm off to school now. For some reason, I really don't want to go back, which is strange for me :confused: Post later :)
The one who turned 38 is Jorja. I can't believe it! She looks like she is like 15 or something. Hmm, I'd love her to be my best friend then. Or more :devil:. Gosh, I'm outta here, have piles of homework.
Your artwork made me tear up Uriel. :( "No more, please, I didn't do it!", "Help! Mom, get up!", "Dad, stop! No!", "Somebody help me..." *cries* It's so sad Uriel. Great blend, and just... wow. :( Great work!

Mini_Catherine said:
Hehe. That was funnah. She's turning 35? Oh, I thought I heard she was turning 38.
Jorja Fox was born on 7th July 1968, which makes her 38. Sara Sidle was born on 16 September 1971, so she's turning 35 this Sat! Woohooooo! :D Get yer mallows ready gals! We're gonna have a mallow partay. :D

"Stomping out the shoppe in a huff", trent? Hehe that's so cute! Anything with Sara and huff in the same sentence is aww. :)
Hehe, I might just have a little mini Sara-birthday celebration :p A celebration of television's most-complex and awesomenest character :D *throws confetti* :p

Ooh, I like that blend, Uriel. Like Sabrina, I'd probably be tearing-up, too, but it's late right now and I'm tired, so... :lol:
SidLer said:
Hey girls (and guys ;)), just wanted to inform you that Sara's birthday is coming up! 16 September! 3 Cheers for Sidle!!

Sara and me are having an awesome party together ;) Everyone is invited!
Happy Birthday saras_girlfriend! Tis a big birthday kiss for you:
Thanks for the invite! I'll be there with a bagful of mallows. :D
Whhhoooott! P-tay :) mmmmh.. mallows! yummah. As long as we don't throw them at eachother.. Long story, but with gummo burrs. :lol: haha, geekloverulesGSR! I won't go into details, buuut, we were finding gummoburrs for 3 years after. Hmmhmm.

Okay, so, in 4 days :O We is having a ptay! Woot, woot! I'm so pumped. I'm bringing cake, plastered with Jorja's face.. But, Sara.. :confused:

HAPPY B-DAY SARAS_GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! many happy birthday wishes, from me to you! :D
My my, aren't you one very hyper bunny. :lol: We can't throw mallows at each other? *grumbles* I was looking forward to a mallow fight. :p Uhh, what's gummoburrs? Gummy bears? A new brand of ice cream? Must know! Oh, we can have Sara's face on the b-day cake. Jorja's had hers. :D
Beer is yucky.

I suppose we can have a good mallow fight, buuuut, you know. Aim below the belt *puts pants up to eyes* Joke, it's a full contact head-mallow fight!
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