Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

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You mean as in staying in a hotel or rental while filming? Probably not. Santa Clarita is only about an hour from LA, less or more depending on the traffic.
She doesn't live at the beach. Are you talking about that San Clemente house? That is a beach house; like a vacation house, not the house you live in.
Uh, it's San Juan Capistrano, not San Clemente, anyway they film at Universal Studios and sometimes Las Vegas. So I think that some stars stay nearby, while their filming as not to fight the horrific traffic, plus they start really early. When I lived in Vegas, they were seen filming as early as 5 am. Eric lives in Culver City, which is a hop-skip and jump away. So maybe she's bunking with him:)
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No it's not San Juan Capistrano. Marg did an interview where she said she visited Jorja at her BEACH HOUSE in SAN CLEMENTE.
Whatever kc I don't come on here to have disputes..& could care less where she lives, this is what I know, she's been seen shopping in the city I mentioned, & was just wondering where she was staying while she filmed CSI moving on:rolleyes:And someone who still think's they film in Santa Clarita which they haven't since S/5, and we're going into season 10, doesn't come across as very credible:confused: and on the Marg interview, on where she visited her ..cite your source~

Jorja/Sara that's stunning

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Despite what you think, I don't come on here for disputes either, so I'll explain why I get frustrated DW: Seen shopping in San Juan Capistrano. By who? You never cite your sources for anything. I don't care where she shops, lives, eats, whatever, I just don't like it when people spout things off about actors without backing up their information. And I'm not just talking about you, this pertains to all people who do it.

EDIT: Please don't modify your posts after I reply to make yourself look better. I thought it was Santa Clarita because that's the only name I have ever heard in regards to where they are filming, and I've only heard where they film once, because I don't track their every freaking move.

And you still haven't cited your source. So how reliable is that?

EDIT 2 (stop modifying your posts after I reply! It's rude! At least state that it's edited): Here's my source, as you asked: USA Today interview
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That would explain why I suddenly got a slew of people asking me (at JFO) 'where does Jorja live?'

Official JFO answer: Not your business.

Seriously. This is one of those questions where, even if I know the answer, I ain't telling. Her home is her personal life and I'm not about to publicize that for the nutbars out there who would be moronic and stalk her. Speaking as one whose father lived in San Diego and worked in Newport Beach, many Californians consider a 2 hour commute 'normal.' Californians are insane.

My favorite Jorja Picture: 2004 Emmys
Ipstenu, sorry for the spike in questions, I didn't know it would do that to your website.

I never said where she lived, and I never would. The beach house in San Clemente was in a Marg interview from USA Today, which I posted up above. That was public knowledge on a vacation house that she might have had at one point in '08. I would never, ever tell people where she lives.

Sometimes I forget just how many people go to your site, babe. Sorry :(
I'm not nagging at ya, kc_from_kc! :) It's not your fault. I run a website, people are gonna show up and ask things.

I really don't mind people tossing me questions (though I may point them to the FAQ ;) ), I just ... y'know, there are some things that I don't feel I SHOULD publish, if Jorja doesn't talk about them. My ethics radar ping at things like "who is she dating?" (she doesn't talk about it, therefore it's off limits). Sure, I'd be interested to know, but at the end of the day, JFO is to celebrate her as an actress and social advocate :)

The San Clemente thing is fine :) I mean, Marg said it and USA Today is (mostly) reasonable about not giving our secret info. People may joke about journalists ethics, but they really do understand that there is some information that you don't share. Like you'd never post someone else's home address and phone number on a forum cause that's wrong. I feel that way about Jorja :) It's not MY place to share private information. Everything on JFO is cited, verifiable and public information.
Actually as folks know (or should know) it wouldn't have gotten much further on the board as the rules in the guide state...

The stars tend to draw a line between the public knowledge, and their private lives, and its a line that this board expects its members to respect.
What is appropriate and what is an invasion of privacy? When a star states publicly (via interview, official website, ect) things from marriage to children, divorce to dating, Sexual origin, charities they help, their feelings on certain aspects that are happening in the world, etc, that is appropriate to discuss.
But when you dig deeper or speculate on what they have not spoken of or eluded to, that is a line that should not be crossed, because going further then what they have publicly stated is an intrusion of their privacy and not appropriate to discuss.

So as you can see, there is a limit, when it comes to this site as well. ;)
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