Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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I discovered some Jorja pics I had never seen before that someone posted up on LJ, so I thought I'd share them with you all :D This pic includes both Jorja and Eric, and she looks positively adorable in this picture.

Although there's a bit of red-eye going on with the camera :p
hi everyone, just a little post to share a pic of Jorja on your board because i find it pretty.

Was sharing pics of Eric on the Eric/greg thread pic and there was a party where Jorja was also so...

it's a pic taken in 2005 when Eric got his new house. He was doing a pool party all the day. The pic of Jorja was taken in a kind of wood piece where you can relax in front of the pool.

jorja at eric pool party 2005

and if you don't have the link, some of Jorja and Eric pics(one pic posten before me) can be seen on Eric/Greg pic thread on aug 14 post at 9:07 :D

that's all i am not going to annoy you anymore :lol: have a good day
desert, qtr, and miko thank for sharing those pics i havent seen that before... she really looks good.
luvincsi i agree we filipinas love her. hey you're from visayas where, the only place i been to was in cebu and bohol very beautiful place. if jorja will come and visit the philippines i'll take her to panique island in bohol or honda bay in palawan i love beaches and i think she will like it there since she like surfing and i hope she like snorkling.
she likes the idea to go to island hopping with me
miko said:
it's a pleasure :lol: :lol:

you know, as i put pics on Eric thread, seeing that Jorja was with him quite often - i find normal to share them on your thread in case people don't know them...well i just hope it doen't annoy anyone if i did not come here normally...

this is Jorja in 2006 as she was with eric at Coachella

jorja with chad (friend of eric)
jorja with andi (friend of eric)


jorja is a bit french :) she speaks with her hand
jorja listening seriously
Thanks for the lovely pics it's nice of you to post them
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