Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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This is the second time I have had to edit a post where the picture exceeded the max size (in less then 24 hrs), I don't want to have to do it again. So I will repeat what I said less then a couple posts up.
Destiny said:
I have edited post with the picture it exceeded the Max size allowed for posting, Please keep in mind the posting size of pictures such info can be found on page one/post one of this thread, or in the "Help Guide" tacked at the top of this forum. Thanks.
Thank's allmaple nice.. and freckles..AHHHH cute.. such beautiful hair.. :p

The "smile" ;) from 'BLOODLUST"
I love the picture behing LOOKING LOVELY very much. :) I like her dress, but I don't like her shoes..
Hi.. very nice picss I love it..there is any of Billy and Jorja?? Anyway.. I don't know much about her or any actor of csi cause I am a new fan of CSI I only have like months of watching it even though I already have watched most of all episodes..
So I want to know some basic information about Jorja..
Does she have a boyfriend?
Brothers or sisters?
Has she been married??
well I think that's it.. for now..
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