Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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^ wow at those shoes. I have those too, except they are baby blue. But aren't those meant to wear at home? I like her style, as always.

So, what did actually happen in Living Doll? I haven't seen season seven yet, except for BTKI & II. She got involved in a car crash, may I assume?
I just love her style.. And the hand in her pocket... That is just her trademark :D

One of my friends yesterday remarked I do the same whenever I am walking somewhere...

She does look sexy in the cloaths she's wearing. I could fall for her any time.. Wait! I already did :devil:
Notice in the pic of Sara's apartment she has bugs in glass cases on her desk.

One and the photo in the red dress is especially stunning.
WOW>. awesome pictures all of you.. she look's great in blue-jeans.. although a bit baggy :D great site for her as well!

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