Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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I'm rewatching all of the seasons until season 8 starts. I'm on the beginning of the first season, and I noticed that they made sara appear much prettier earlier on in the show than they do now. jorja fox is really pretty, but from the show you wouldn't think she's as pretty as she actually is. i wonder why they do that, b/c like with cath, they still make her look pretty. :confused:
csicathwillows said:
I'm rewatching all of the seasons until season 8 starts. I'm on the beginning of the first season, and I noticed that they made sara appear much prettier earlier on in the show than they do now. jorja fox is really pretty, but from the show you wouldn't think she's as pretty as she actually is. i wonder why they do that, b/c like with cath, they still make her look pretty. :confused:

same here
csicathwillows said:
I'm rewatching all of the seasons until season 8 starts. I'm on the beginning of the first season, and I noticed that they made sara appear much prettier earlier on in the show than they do now. jorja fox is really pretty, but from the show you wouldn't think she's as pretty as she actually is. i wonder why they do that, b/c like with cath, they still make her look pretty. :confused:

I kinda noticed that too. I just wonder.. maybe they want Marg to get more attention? She is considered to be the leading lady on the show instead of Jorja (or Louise for that matter). Not that I agree with Marg being the leading lady.. all women matter as much to the show. Jorja just matters more to me ;)
But I am a "Jorjaholic"
Beautiful shots Jorja/Sara fans.. she's the "girl" so delightful, and charming in every way ;) I love her sunglasses, and her thick beautiful hair!

I haven't been here for a long time. :( Glad Im back and loads of pics to welcome me. I love all the pics.. :D And I am a Jorjaholic too.. :D I'll look for pics. :)
cocoa_girl18 said:
as always desertwind love the pics
sara and nick

Your always so sweet and thoughtful.. your welcome.. I like the saying "I'm on a midnight train to Jorja" very unique, and right on! For you cocoa

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