Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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Whenever I come across a Jorja pic I haven't seen yet, I have to save it on my computer. No wonder I am closing in on 2000 pictures of Jorja already!
Rhapsody, i love the singing Jorja one. I didn't know she could play the guitar?? Now, I love her even more. :D

SS_g, I love you. *hugz* :D Love all the pics.. My favorite is the second to the last. I love her shirt and the hair. :D
Reminder about picture posting rules, the REST can be found on Page/Post one of this thread.
URL Links: try not to do over 6 in one post please and when you do them (if your using the UBB Code box) paste in the addy you have then, when it asks for a name PLEASE do not paste the address in again.
But rather give it a name like "Cutie Pie". The reason we suggest that is because the addresses are sometimes so long it stretches the screen.
Okay.. read and understood. :D


I like her little smile there. :D
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