Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Destiny said:
We know that every character on tv has certain traits such as flaws, this is what allows us to fight for and care about the character, their strengths and weaknesses, what traits of Sara's drew you to her or made her identifiable to you and why?
Hmm. I think, to me, Sara isn't so much identifiable to me as she is "human." I don't really know how else to put it, but she has given some of the best dramatic scenes on CSI, and that's what draws me to her. The ability to put herself in the victims shoes, and empathize with them, and care about them. She's an admirable person. We don't know much about her history. (Don't know if we ever really will now..) I mean, we know her father was murdered by her mother because he was abusive. But, how? Did he hurt Sara, or just her mother? I mean a little back story on that would be cool to see a little bit in an episode. She's got an interesting back story, and it's fun to find out about it. She's a great character! (And I hope she comes back permanently, or at least until everyone else leaves so we can see much more of her!)
I was first drawn to Sara because she's hot.
The way she walked caught my attention, although that's more Jorja ;)
I used to love her as a character because she was cute, witty and unafraid. I loved how she rampartly spoke her mind and stood up against people who didn't deserve her friendliness.
Yet, every now and then she let her vulnerability shine through her tough demeanor.

Of course, that was before her character was written into a self destructive almost alcoholic with an irrational crush on her unattractive boss.

I still like Jorja and occasionally the old Sara when she came though in the recent eps, but my passion for her character has vanished a lot.
I didn't really catch all of what she said, the quality is a little poor. There's a transcript of teh last part over on Does anyone know what's up with the "marinating/subtituting" comment at the end?
MiaCharlize said:
I didn't really catch all of what she said, the quality is a little poor. There's a transcript of teh last part over on Does anyone know what's up with the "marinating/subtituting" comment at the end?

I don't know maybe they were going to talk about cooking. :)
anyhow she was looking great.
It was cool, that she gave a timeline for the play, 3 week's so that's perfect, if and when this writers strike ends, if this week, then she's free to start filming back on CSI! so, everything work's out for the best!
Geek baby? I hope not. I really don't have much faith in the writer's anymore but I'm hoping they won't go overboard when they bring Sara back.
Man, I sure hope they don't have a "geek baby." I mean, GSR is my otp and all but Sara being pregnant really has nothing to do with CSI. I want her character back, but with a big bump under her shirt.
I'll take her either way, I just want her back! :)

Me toosy, it would be cute, if their married, babies would seem like the next step, but if not, whatever the writers have in store is okie-dokie, wth me, I just want her back!
Can't help thinking, Jorja's coming back has to do with William Petersen leaving and they will leave together in some way. He will go study bees in the Rain Forest or Mexico an Sara will go with him. I may well be completely wrong.
I just want to see Jorja in something CSI or something else.
I agree with you Taryn. I think she'll come back to help him move their stuff to San Francisco where they'll both teach or something. :)
Do all of you fans think this is the last season? and they'll really part ways.. I mean the cast? and I think with her coming back, it would be odd, for just 3 months, wouldn't it? she's been gone for that long.. what the H is really going on, behind the scenes? :confused:
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