Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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NOTABLE QUOTES~on Jorja leaving CSI~

It could be the stupidest thing I've ever done, in my

I wouldn't say stupid, maybe poor timing or wrong choice, right now, but there's always an open door, so says Carol Mendolsohn ;)

And on her leaving CSI, she states she wants to "have a child" not adopt one, 'have one' so do it girl^ _ ^amonst other interests!

I think she will be a great mother whichever way she chooses. :) But why do you think her leaving now is bad timing, because with the writers strike she hasent missed much.
I just think that she could have waited till the end of the season, but beings this writers strike is happening, maybe she did do it right, and on having a child, I interpret that as giving birth, for instance if I wanted to have a foster child I would, say "I'm taking in a foster child" or if adopting a child I would state that, when one says 'having a child', that to me, means neither of the before mentioned! & why can't she give birth, it would be great, and the bloodlines would be her's ;)But, one would have to ask Jorja, exactly what she meant by this!
As for her having a child, just because you can't wrap your head around the possibiliy of her being a lesbian does not mean she isn't one. And for lesbians, having a child indeed does not automatically mean they are giving birth. Her partner could have the child, as well.

Please do us all a favor and stop assuming things and interpreting Jorja's thoughts by applying your own moral values and religious beliefs. The world has all shades of gray, and Jorja is one of them, as we all are. She will do whatever she wants, and if you are the true fan you call yourself, don't judge but be supportive. Whatever she is and whatever path she will choose for herself in the future.

@ Destiny: Thanks for answering my question, I appreciate it very much :)
Desertwind was asked about the fact that there are other was of having a child, She responded regarding her take on the term "Having a child". If you disagree then say so and why and try to have a nice dialog on it.

Lets also remember what TBonz stated a while back (ie in previous threads) regarding discussing a stars personal life. here the rule from the help guide.

A Stars Personal Life Discussion:
The stars tend to draw a line between the public knowledge, and their private lives, and its a line that this board expects its members to respect.
What is appropriate and what is an invasion of privacy? When a star states publicly (via interview, official website, ect) things from marriage to children, divorce to dating, Sexual origin, charities they help, their feelings on certain aspects that are happening in the world, etc, that is appropriate to discuss.
But when you dig deeper or speculate on what they have not spoken of or eluded to, that is a line that should not be crossed, because going further then what they have publicly stated is an intrusion of their privacy and not appropriate to discuss.

We do not know factually what her [Jorja's] sexual origin is at this point she could be gay/straight/bi, but until she publically states one way or another its off limits per TBonz earlier discussion. If you wish to discuss the Characters origin feel free (including shipping which goes in SC) but as for Jorja or any star of this show see above.

Please lets get back on track, discussing your fav star and or character in ways that are not crossing any of the lines. ;)
I didn't mean to cross any lines, but the way I see it the point I was trying to make is exactly as you stated, Destiny. No one here (as I have gathered from the previous thread) is allowed to make any assumptions about her private life, so we all should just stick to what we know. Which is not a whole lot ;). I think we will all eventually see what Jorja decides to do about the baby situation, and until then all of us in here should stop making wild assumptions and interpretations of interview quotes.

So that was my whole point, I didn't mean to offend, as I've stated before, I'm not a native speaker and sometimes it is hard for me to know how my posts sound to native speakers :(.
Don't worry, a lot of us aren't native speakers here (I'm German, for example), your English sounds really good though, I've read worse ;)

So, back on topic: I think Jorja would look really cute with a baby, but I have a hard time imagining her having one the "natural" way. Despite having seen her pregnant in a movie, I just can't visualize her with a baby belly. I don't mean to offend, it's just my opinion. Plus, she's not the youngest anymore. But as said before, we'll see.

Let's just hope we won't have to wait too long, I'm on Jorja withdrawl :p
I'm in withdrawl too Mia! :(

Yes, Jorja is turning 40 this year, but as time goes on, having babies later in life is becoming a trend. For example, look at Nicole Kidman who is pregnant and 40 or Madonna who's 49 and just recently adopted.

I think one thing we can all agree on, is no matter how or if Jorja becomes a mother, she will be good one! :)
Yeah I hope we get some new pic's. Was Jorja at the S A G awards yesterday can't find any mention of her being there.
Taryn said:
Yeah I hope we get some new pic's. Was Jorja at the S A G awards yesterday can't find any mention of her being there.
No, I don't believe she was. As far as I know, only William Petersen, and Marg Helgenberger were there. (From CSI anyway)
Just an after thought on the negative commets on the LINK about Jorja, first and foremost, it was pertaining to Jorja leaving CSI, and her future plans, which included 'having a child' nothing from me at all about her private life, you took this ran with it, & added things that had nothing at all to do with the article! & took to your own low-level, and that's odd, because, to me, that shows lack of respect for her! I was speaking for myself, and what I thought this meant, and didn't mention one thing about morals or religious views, that didn't make sense, it was my thoughts, views, theories and opinions, and apparently you didn't read the last line, "one would have to ask Jorja what she meant by this" and FYI, you might want to stop and "do us all a favor by stop shoving your agenda down everyone's throats" can you wrap your head around that? I don't judge Jorja, that's offensive to me :(.. so carying on, from GSRLUVER good point on Nicole Kidman, "having a child" at 40, I'll bet her and Keith are over the moon ;)
Guys [Still_Life & Desertwind] I think its time to just agree to disagree on this matter and let it go, nothing good can come from trying to debate the matter further. -- Moving on to the reason this thread is here. So lets try something new.

We know that every character on tv has certain traits such as flaws, this is what allows us to fight for and care about the character, their strengths and weaknesses, what traits of Sara's drew you to her or made her identifiable to you and why?
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