Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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While surfing about I came across this article. I'm not sure how current it is, but it still involves our Jorja girl~

THE 50 HOTTEST WOMEN ON TV She came in #14:thumbsup:


Desert she may have been in pic 14 of this list, however it says in the paragraph underneath her pic she is #37 :eek: Which I can't believe.

She will always be our # 1 though :)
#37? nah, top 5 more like it:) so the ian harvie interview will be next wednesday, i thought it was going to be sooner! (I've only just clicked the link).

I'm really looking forward to what she has to say. ( as i always am of course :D)
While surfing about I came across this article. I'm not sure how current it is, but it still involves our Jorja girl~

THE 50 HOTTEST WOMEN ON TV She came in #14:thumbsup:


Desert she may have been in pic 14 of this list, however it says in the paragraph underneath her pic she is #37 :eek: Which I can't believe.

She will always be our # 1 though :)

Yeah, your right, I was going by the little pictures over on the right:confused: which was #14 but she is #1 to us, and #37 go away whoever, I wonder who polled this? no matter she's at least on the "list";)
#37? nah, top 5 more like it:) so the ian harvie interview will be next wednesday, i thought it was going to be sooner! (I've only just clicked the link).

I'm really looking forward to what she has to say. ( as i always am of course :D)

Jorja is our #1

Oh, how much I'd like to see this interview...
you just put the song in my head " your, your my number 1", one of those really cheesy songs, don't even know what it was...

but i'm really looking forward to this interview now, and i'm so impatient with thigns like this :D
Thank's Taryn nice. I can't wait to see her again on CSI, hopefully she'l be in the next two, and if anyone watched this last ep. Grissom's comments to Cath were very tell-tale. So hurry up and come back Sara:thumbsup:
Here's some trivia about Jorja~

Your welcome Under_the_Mistletoe what I didn't know is her Irish ancestry, I did know about her being Belgium and Canadian, I'm part Irish so we share that:)She's a busy little bee isn't she?
So, if you all knew Jorja what would you get her for Christmas? I'd get her a new contract with CSI for at least two more years! She's probably got everything, but this~

"Beauty is everything, love is innocent. a future with the perfect man is life"

Wrapped under her tree
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