Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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It only showed a brief snippet of her and all of Natalies crimes, the video, I see was over exaggerated, it showed more on there, than the actual ep. but she was talked about by the lawyers to Grissom,, "Sara, your co-worker and lover" and Natalie mentioned her a few times~
Just a question and some thoughts for Sara fans who've watched her for 9 years on who she had the best connection and chemistry with. My views are Grissom, that's a given:thumbsup:
Nick co-worker/friend, Greg co-worker/little brother, Warrick sometime cold and sometimes hot, but she did show up for his services, showing her support for the team, and was devastated by his demise. Cath also sometimes hot sometimes not. Doc & Brass she had respect and admiration for them both. Hodges he annoyned her as much as the rest, the lab rats evenly. the least connection was, to me with Sofia chilly and resentful no chemistry at all:(
I think she had great chemistry with Cath- so hot and cold, different, yet they (almost) always worked fantastically together. I loved their chemistry.

Also, I love Sara's friendship with Greg. I think they had real chemistry, Sara helped him so much when he was training/just out of training, and i've always loved the friendship the 2 had.

I also liked Sara's chemsitry with Nick, although I don't think they were as close as Sara was with Greg, I felt as though her and Nick always knew they were there for each other should they need each other.

I think she looked up to Brass as somewhat of a father figure, i liked their relationship.

Those are my main ones :)
Right on bubbles I agree with you anaylsis of the team she worked with. Remember 'Getting Off' the clown, and how her and Cath went to see Doodles apt. a sleazy ,dark awful place and Sara says to Cath 'Now I know why Doodles drank":lol: and when in "BTK" she kept Cath's secret true co-worker friendship. Then they also got into and Ecklie called her in his office and boy did she go off on him:eek: Ecklie :"Your on suspension" she goes "Fine" and when you get back you'll apologize to Cath, and Sara says "No I won't" with that pouty expression:thumbsup:I liked all her different either, confrontations, or her kind loyal ways with them. Gosh I wished she wasn't leaving:(
Woot!! I saw that on JAA. I looooved her last interview with Ian, all the swearing and giggling lol. I hope this one will have a video too.
Awesome, thanks for posting. I'l watch that in a bit- I loved her last interview with Ian Harvie, hopefully I'l enjoy this as much:)
This is about Sara and her return to CSI. It has been hinted that she'd be in 3-6 episodes, so far it's been 4, and here's some info. from David Rambo, although it was a ways back it still holds water as to Sara and what's going on with her as far as her next appearance on CSI!

David Rambo, a writer for CSI, was currently interviewed on Jorja leaving/returning & GSR. The interview was taken place during the Writers Strike in L.A, CA. Mr. Rambo has said, that Sara can walk into the lab anytime without warning, and another goodie, GSR HAS A FUTURE, so this is episode news, reporting about her character, and her future on the show...source
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Awesome, thanks for posting. I'l watch that in a bit- I loved her last interview with Ian Harvie, hopefully I'l enjoy this as much:)

The last interview was great, especially the last question he had for her. The way she fidgeted on her chair and the disbelief in her eyes was too funny. I wonder what she will have to say about Prop 8 (or now H 8). I mean, all the people on the panel are personally affected by it, I wonder how she'll try and talk her way out of that. Well, maybe they'll try to sell her as our straight ally or something.:lol:

Anyway, I think it's great that she's even on Ian Harvie, supporting the community is always good.
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While surfing about I came across this article. I'm not sure how current it is, but it still involves our Jorja girl~

THE 50 HOTTEST WOMEN ON TV She came in #14:thumbsup:

While surfing about I came across this article. I'm not sure how current it is, but it still involves our Jorja girl~

THE 50 HOTTEST WOMEN ON TV She came in #14:thumbsup:


What, no opinion about the Ian Harvie interview? Jorja doing an interview and you're not interested? How come?

I think she should have come in at least among the top 10, but oh well, she'll always be our no1, won't she?:cool:
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