Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Ok, Sorry everyone, I kinda brought up the specutalting who she was dating, my fault, its been awhile since Ive been here. :(

And Im with Mia, Is there a clip of her on E? and what about a clip of her on Hollywood Squares?

again, sorry.
Nope, sorry the rules have not changed in regards to discussions on the stars private life, it is still there last check ;). As to the topic of that discussion while its hard without speculating on what she didn't say, talking about it in the manner it was intended I believe can be done.

IMO I took Jorja's comment to be in a tone in which she can be known for which is funny and flirty with her serious and caring side that shows for her castmates, IMO her comment about dating her castmates (or former) was intended to be a witty way of saying there is still a friendly connection, and that there was support of her because she decided to venture out and do other things.
Just done watching the ep. I didn't want to but in the end decided that I wanted to be able to join in pn the discussions.

First off, the episode was not as bad ad I had expected it to be. I was glad the GSR crap was cut down as compared to the past episodes and she was in scenes with everyone, even if those encounters were cut short.

The exchange with Warrick in the beginning was cute, I'm glad they let the easy friendship between them resurface for a minute.

It was great to see her work with Ronnie, I think she likes her. I found it such a sweet gesture that she gave Ronnie her vest and wrote good luck inside. I think I might actually keep watching CSI for the new girl, she's cute.

I also loved her comment about the abused woman "We'll be back next month for her body" Classic Sidle. It perfectly showed her desperation and her pain. She's tired. That fact became clear throughout the whole ep. I'm not sure whether it was Jorja's own tiredness coming through or whether it was all acted. If the latter is the case I must say I surely underestimated her acting skills before. I could actually feel how much she didn't want to be there anymore. (Sara, not Jorja)

And then there was that leather jacket she wore in the end... I loved it. As well as the broad wristband she wore with it. Very cool. And very gay :p

Anyway, thanks for the link to the video, thought they had an interview with her or something, those snippets were actually from past events...

Personally, based on the storyline, I hope she won't be back. Sara made a final decision, she should stick to it and start over in a different city.
Something tells me she will be back... I have this gut feeling... kinda hope i'm right... i'll be gutted if she doesnt come back, but as you said MiaCharlize, she made a desision, so if she sticks to it go her. I thought it was a good eppy too, and I liked it when she wrote good luck on her vest and put it in Ronnie's locker. Good ep, but yeah i'm sad she's gone, uber emotional, I was nearly in tears. :eek:
I havent seen the full episode yet but its nice to read there wasnt too much GSR crap in it...

I did see some clips going around online and it looked like a great episode to show Jorja's acting skills and I think it did.

As to back about the speculating about who she might or might not date or is dating..I think Jorja's comment was just one big joke and should not be taken seriously because I do think she wouldnt date either of the cast members. It reminds me of the interview in which she once said she had, at some point, been in love with all her castmates. (We can conclude from the word "all" she meant both male and female). I think there is a great friendship between the castmembers and I think that is what Jorja has been trying to make clear.

Talking about her dating a castmember or the fact it would be great to see her date one (I have my own oppinions about that which I now wisely keep to myself) is a topic I think we should let to rest now because eventhough its been said that in line with Jorja's funny comment its allowed, I think it can be taken too far eventually and we will end up with the same kind of stuff we had not too long ago and we will start questioning where to draw the line about what can or cannot be said.

Nuff said. SSG out.
I agree with you MiaCharlize I was really happy about how there wasn't that much GSR and what they did put in I thought was done well.

I loved that they had her listening to Iron & Wine, I think that was a perfect song for her.

and I also agree that Jorja was just joking around when saying that she can date cast memebers now :)
Hey guys,

thought I'd post this here too :) I just hope I don't get slapped in my face though ;)

We, people from the CSI board, have decided to start our own Thank You, Jorja campaign called We *HEART* Jorja. So I thought maybe you guys at TalkCSI might be interested in it too. It's nothing grand and we don't plan to involve thousands of people, it's just another way how we can say thanks to Ms Fox for all those great years she has given us.

Anyway, it's called We *HEART* Jorja. What do we do?

1st make a heart! Draw it in snow or sand, carve it in wood, use flowers, make it from muffins, spray-paint a wall, knit... the possibilities are endless! Simply use your imagination. (I am making mine with candles, other ideas of mine are shells or stones on a beach, marshmellows)

2nd write Jorja in it (if possible).

3rd take a photo and print it.

4th turn the photo around and write 'We miss you with every beat of our hearts'. This could be the line that kinda unites as all.

5th add your own 'thank you' message or even a letter!

6th post it to:

Jorja Fox
Framework Ent.
9057 Nemo St, Suite A
Los Angeles, CA 90069

More questions?;title;9, PM me here or or email me to

Thank you for reading!
Love, Una
UnaLovesHugh said: Hey guys,

thought I'd post this here too :) I just hope I don't get slapped in my face though ;)

We, people from the CSI board, have decided to start our own Thank You, Jorja campaign called We *HEART* Jorja. So I thought maybe you guys at TalkCSI might be interested in it too. It's nothing grand and we don't plan to involve thousands of people, it's just another way how we can say thanks to Ms Fox for all those great years she has given us.

Anyway, it's called We *HEART* Jorja. What do we do?

1st make a heart! Draw it in snow or sand, carve it in wood, use flowers, make it from muffins, spray-paint a wall, knit... the possibilities are endless! Simply use your imagination. (I am making mine with candles, other ideas of mine are shells or stones on a beach, marshmellows)

2nd write Jorja in it (if possible).

3rd take a photo and print it.

4th turn the photo around and write 'We miss you with every beat of our hearts'. This could be the line that kinda unites as all.

5th add your own 'thank you' message or even a letter!

6th post it to:

Jorja Fox
Framework Ent.
9057 Nemo St, Suite A
Los Angeles, CA 90069

More questions?;title;9, PM me here or or email me to

Thank you for reading!
Love, Una
First thank you to those concerned about the above and taking the time to alert us. :)

I have been to the site link, I have read the post, this campaign if you will, doesn't seem to be asking for money,or join their site, but rather an if you want to do it, its there. Since this person has kept it only to this thread and as long as were not over run with it, I don't see a problem with it staying at this time. - While some questions were raised in regards to it, they are being taken into consideration. That being said, the admin will be alerted to it for reference if need be.
That sounds like a really cool idea! I will deffinatly have to think about it!

also, I just wanted to say that I just tried to get on Jorja's website (, which I looked at on Thursday to see if she had said anything about leaving, which she haddent, it was the same site as its been for forever) and it is under constuction!! yay for new things from the lovely Jorja!

Just thought I'd share the bit of happiness :)
I hope that's good news. IMO it's high time for a new layout on that site so hopefully they're not just changing the site's contens but come up with an easier menu and a bigger pop-up. (In case they keep it)

Looking forward to it. :)
I dont mind them changing the lay out cus sometimes I find it very uneasy. But it has been (and will be) a great site all together.

About the *Heart* Jorja plan.. I like the idea. Will think about it and see what I can come up with.
Ah i've never seen that before... it's for a good cause, but it's kinda cheesy, think its the music. :p When was this done? While ago right?
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