Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I don't get it, Destiny. We weren't talking off topic or not about Jorja. We were talking about her status in the poll for AfterEllen, then I asked when they announced the winners for the goveg voting for sexiest veg. which Jorja is in :confused:

(Oh, and about the AfterEllen thing, I thought Jorja was #60 for sexiest vegetarian out of 100 people, lol. Haha, that's kind of funny.)
YES! *Smirks & High-fives Tally*

See occassionally we tend to hmm how do I put this, need to make sure we got our message across, there will be times when well little measures need to be made to capture you're attention or that of those who wonder *What are they talking about* only to go up and see what might have been skipped.

Now don't get us wrong this isn't a game we play, nor should at anytime think *oh another to get us to listen* because we might be throughly serious about it. So why did we feel the need to do this, because as I mentioned in the first post about the dominated subject Tally gently asked more then once and it went in one post and out the other (ie in one ear and out the other, or ignorned) so we wanted to be sure you all got the message. We believe you did and we believe that from now on when we post a gentle reminder it will be read and it will be heeded. ;)

We thank you all. :D
I was wondering.. how many of you guys around here already knew/loved Jorja before she appeared on CSI?
I myself noticed her when she played Maggie Doyle in ER and than followed her untill CSI.
So.. when did you first notice Jorja?
No, I didn't know her before CSI.
I first saw her there, and just after I noticed she played Maggie on ER. But I actually started watching ER after CSI, so it's normal :p
Actually, I haven't seen much of her there anyway, for how long did she stayed in the cast? I think I heard Weaver tell something about Maggie being fired by Romano because she was a lesbian, but I am not sure of this. I would like to see that episode, but it never happened :(
i saw jorja at e.r. but i wasnt that much watching it. i like her instantly in csi 3rd eppie... other than that need not see any of it.
and yes i agree jorja should be the at least on the top 10 sexiest in the ellen poll.
hope she wins the sexiest vegetarian...
I think I vaguely remember her as Maggie Doyle but I don't really watch ER so I could just be imagining that :devil:
I knew Jorja from CSI, buuut after seeing her I though "hmm, i recognise her" and was told about her being on ER... so I got out my early ER dvds ( :D ) and saw her and was like wooow! :D ahem..
I first recognized Jorja in CSI: but as I was never a watcher of ER. Then, after I got into CSI: my mom came up to me one day and said, "I was watching ER this morning and I think I saw Jorja Fox..." and I was like, "What? Huh? What did you just say?" :lol: I've watched clips of her when she was on ER and I really liked Maggie Doyle a lot. I see a lot of similarities between Sara and Maggie, personality-wise. Oh who am I kidding, Gina Toscano too :lol:

I read that when Jorja was filming ER it was when her mother was really sick, but her mother had told her not to stop filming it because of her, so she continued. That must have been so hard.
My dad watched the West Wing and I think I may have seen her there a few times. Of course, I might be projecting my memory, so to speak, since I learned after I watched her on CSI what shows she had been on. Same with ER.

So in all honestly, I probably noticed Jorja on CSI first, ER and the West Wing followed suit.
I never got into the west wing much so didn't know she was on there since coming on here *hides in corner* Yeah I liked her in ER, especially the scene with Carter at the shooting range. :lol: her character in ER is awesome too, she's just awesome! haha! :D
Um, basically just from CSI, but I watch ER, and I may have seen her on there from re-runs, but the characters swap around all the time, so to be honest I don't remember. :rolleyes:
I never watched the West wing, so not from there either, just from CSI. :)
You know.. I have like favorite moments of Jorja and the one that is very high rated is the scene from Ellen! She shows up (playing an unnamed lesbian) and tries to hit on Ellen's friend. I just loved how she looked there. The smile is sooooo adorably cute.

She can come sit with me anytime ;)
Jorja was in ER at it's best, Maggie Doyle was cool, feisty, competative and spoke her mind. I loved her early scenes with Carter, Carol and Doug. I love ER in the first six years, I never missed it.
I was delighted when she showed up in The West Wing, my favourite tv show still, with the repeats.
And Jorja Fox was the reason I started watching CSI because she was the only one I had heard of and I was pleased to see her in her own show, instead of a guest star. She always does great TV shows.
Hi I'm new and been catching up on post, any one tell me when the Emmy awards are and when they anounce the finalist .
I came here and found this thread on 2nd page :( But I have some stuff to say...

zappy,^^sorry but I can't help you out on that one, though I would like to have that information as well.

SaraSidle_girl, I remember I also saw that clip of her on Ellen. But I must say that it was quite a while ago, so I don't really remember it well.

Oh, and I saw FannySmackin' and Jorja was so awesome in it :) That scene with Greg is unbelieveable :rolleyes: Jorja's acting is so amazing, and there we can see it clearly...Sara's emotions seem so real, it's so beautiful and lovely and cute :) She is almost crying and the way she says "I came here for you, Greg" is so...I don't think I even have words to describe how much I love it :D Great work Jorja, as usual :D
She is also cool when she is kicking 'that' in the lab. Yay for our strong Sara :p
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