Jim & Catherine - Just flirting?

That's a great pic.

And I know Jim mentioned to Cath in the episode "Burked", about Braun's girlfriend being and ex-stripper, let's see if I can remember the lines.

CATHERINE: Who's this?

JIM: It's Braun's "Squeeze". She's an ex-stripper, too. Perhaps you two met in a professional capacity.

I loved that scene. Here's a pic to go with it.

Jim & Cath
Cath and Jim do flirt quite abit you know. I just found this quote from Pledging Mr. Johnson.

Cath: "I can tell you first-hand, when you don't cheat, you don't suspect."
Jim: "Oh, man, I wish I'd been married to you."
Cath: "Not a chance."
-- Catherine Willows and Jim Brass (Pledging Mr. Johnson)
Yeah, we know Cath loves having the power to put it out there to a man and then pull it back. Brass you know has got to love the fact she is flirty with him. He loves the attention she gives him that noone else really does. :D
Yep. That's the scene that made me a Jim/Cath shipper. I loved it. It's one of my favorite scenes. I really hope TPTB really consider these two as a potential couple. They're sooooooo cute together. Not only that but their flirting is becoming more blatant. I.E. the scene in "Bite Me".
I like this one from the episode Inside The Box.

LadySaraButterfly that's a great cap of the two of them. Brass is hot in that pic! One of my faves is I think from Precious Metal. Catherine is talking and Brass seems to be looking at her lips. Unfortunately, I can't find it.

The scene in "Bite Me" really surprised me because Catherine never protested. That's very different from the Catherine who turned him down back in "Pledging Mr. Johnson". There's another scene from the same episode where Catherine tells Jim "damn, you're good" and Jim says, "oh, shut up". He's so cute when he says that--like he's a little embarrassed she said that.
This is from XX when they were looking under the bus I think. I bet Brass just loved laying on the ground with Cath. He looks quite amused.

Great pic. I have a similar one in my signature. And I think my favorite Jim/Cath episode, besides "Bite Me" and "Precious Metal" is "One Hit Wonder". I thought there were a few moments in that eppy that Jim and Catherine shared. Like when they were going door to door and Jim said: So what do we say? Hi we're here to look for 5 month old evidence. And Catherine said: You're the poet. And Jim said: Oh I'm glad you noticed. It's just little moments like that that make this ship feel right. You know what I mean? Yeah, "One Hit Wonder" definaately has to be my favorite Jim/Cath episode.
Ow. Ow. :D Im kinda new to the Brass/Cath shipdom since I wanted Brass with somebody else *coughs*Annie*coughs* but I definitely noticed their potential in Bite Me, (the Cancun scene) and I loved it. :D Im checking out their other scenes that you all mentioned, which might take a while cuz there were lots of Cath/Brass moments.. damn where was I when all of these happened??!?! :lol:

Anyhoo.. Im wondering what do you call the Cath/Brass ship?
I found this quote from Brass in the episode Burked.

Ain't love grand?"
-- Jim Brass (Burked)

I am sure Jim would find love grand if he hooked up with Catherine. One thing I see about them that is so alike is they both are not afraid to blurt out what is on their mind. Could you imagine some of the conversations they would carry on together. I loved some of the looks they gave each other in Slaves of Las Vegas.
Hi, I just love the idea :) I propose for name of this ship Crass or Brillows or JCR ( sounds kind like GSR :) ).

I think that now when Warrick is married Catherine needs good friend, and she seems to spend more time with Brass. Also in Ellie -she was the one who called him, because she was worried :) And Jim has soft spot for blondies (that Blond LA from Hollywood Brass).

I forgot about that phone call in "Ellie". That was very telling. Here Catherine's telling him to be careful and not do anything rash and in typical worried dad fashion, he's telling her he won't as he's in pursuit of the car. I hope Catherine gave him what-for when she got back and found out what happened.

As for names, please not Crass. That doesn't have a very nice meaning. Now, CASS wouldn't be too bad, I guess, but I kind of like something simple like BCR myself.
Wow, I just gotta say, I love the idea of this ship! Been lurking here since Post 1, so now I'm adding another pairing to my multi-shipping collection! :D

I think Brass and Cath would be great together, they've known each other for so long (actually, how long is it? :confused:), therefore they would not be afraid to say anything to each other, and not to mention that their chemistry is just brilliant! :devil:
Yes. And I loved the scene they shared together in Table Stakes when they went to the Liberace Museum.

Cath: You know, I've lived here for 20 years and I've never been here.

Jim: That's funny I was here a couple days ago.

Cath: I believe you.

I think that's how the conversation went. Anyway I thought that was a really cute moment. And mentioning a shipper name for this couple, I've had one in mind since I became a Jim/Cath shipper: Brath. You know a combination of Brass and Cath. Now I came up with that because I usually call Catherine Cath. But some of the other one's were good.