Jim & Annie = Brannie!



Poor old Jimmy needs a lovelife too, and did anybody else fall in love with his friend Annie from LA in the episode Hollywood Brass? He opened up more to her in that one episode than I've seen before, and it melts my heart each time she strokes his cheek.

I personally would love to see her come back.
Hello to you both.

and yes...SPOILER ALERT (I think, I'm new at this so I'm playing it safe)





Annie said she thought it was their affair that broke up his marriage but he was quick to assure her that it was only an excuse.
You can't help but love the chemistry of those two.

But what I really love is that after so much time apart they can work together so well. they even have that unspoken connection thing going on. And then after work they sit down for a little civility where he can confess his insecurities about fatherhood and the ghosts of his past while she is there to offer comfort and understanding.

that's the type of relationship that everybody needs.
Just stopping by to say I like this couple...but I also like Brass with Sofia's mom, but that's another thread...

These two are cute :D
best part of hollywood brass was the interaction between jim and annie. another case of actors chemistry being just right. i would love to see more annie.

Dingbat, you are my hero. I will set up a shrine in your honour and worship you unconditionally. thank you thank you for those amazing screenshots!
In the conversation at the end of that episode, Annie was concerned because pressing charges would likely be career suicide from her; the perp had some very powerful friends. Jim tells her "well if this job is all you have, you'd better do this right"

What do you think she did? If she pressed charges she may ruin her career and reputation for a case about a prostitute that may not even go through, but then again equal justice for all means that she shouldn't have prejudices, plus Jim's daughter is personally involved in it.
I loved the idea of this couple the minute I watched Hollywood Brass. Not only that but Hollywood Brass is my favorite episode of all time. Now I've always been a Jimmy/Cath shipper but Annie became my second choice for Jimmy when I saw them working together. They have such great chemistry. I have a whole page dedicated to the episode on my website. :D Anybody wants to check it out just click on my signature.