
I'm ready for the finale. I liked how they redid the show mid-season so you can catch up on what Jake was doing before he returned to Jericho.

I have my DVR set up... :p
eszmanda_luver said:
Yeah.. the only thing I can think of is that someone knows what states are left, and thus the stars change... but as for the vertical stripes... I really have no clue... but we'll know tonight now won't we!! :eek: :D

The flag they show has a closed octagan of white stars on a blue field with 13 vertical red and white stripes. It is somewhat similar to the Fake Civil Flag Legend that cropped up on the Internet years ago (showing a flag with a white filed with 50 blue stars and 13 vertical red and white stripes.)
Hankster said:
eszmanda_luver said:
Yeah.. the only thing I can think of is that someone knows what states are left, and thus the stars change... but as for the vertical stripes... I really have no clue... but we'll know tonight now won't we!! :eek: :D

The flag they show has a closed octagan of white stars on a blue field with 13 vertical red and white stripes. It is somewhat similar to the Fake Civil Flag Legend that cropped up on the Internet years ago (showing a flag with a white filed with 50 blue stars and 13 vertical red and white stripes.)

Ooooh. So thats what they were talking about on the Jericho message board over at I didn't actually read the thread, but I saw where one was titled :; its the civil flag...

That's really interesting. This show never ceases to amaze. And its at such a bad position with the time slot and the fact its up agaisnt American Idol.. it really hasn't been given the propper chance to prove itself.. I just hope CBS sees this and keeps it around. Apparently, we should know by Wednesday at the least if its renewed or if its history...

I'll keep my fingers and toes and whatever else crossed!
the only thing I could ask for is if they bring back the fire cheif. Alex Carter (Vartann) played him in the pilot. I was wondering why he was not in any other episodes??

I'm looking forward to the episode. It's also up against Bones right???

speaking of finales

this is from Yahoo
Wow, I really hope that they don't cancel this show. I think that if they were able to move it, timeslot wise it may work. I got hooked after seeing the first episode and have only missed two or three episodes since then.

The previews for the finale look intense, so I'm hoping its as good as they've been advertising it.
Oh my gosh!! I have a love/hate relationship with that darn finale!!! How could they leave us there?!?! Especially sinse they aren't sure if it will even come back!?! I want it back now!!!

Haha, it was really good though and I won't say who died in case some people havn't seen it yet, but oh my gosh, I was so upset about that!
^^I know what you mean! I really hope they don't cancel--I love this show so much!

Don't mean to sound like a big wuss (although I can be one)--but I cried when a certain person died. It was so sad and touching at the same time.

I can't wait to find out if there is another season. *crosses fingers and toes*
Well, as much as I hate to say it (and I'm sure CBS hates people like me for this). But after a whole season of being addicted (and glued to my TV for 3 hours Wednesday night), I could totally not care if Jericho came back next season. The sad thing is, I really don't know why. I could say, I hated who they killed, or the Jake/Emily thing, or the fact that Heather didn't make it to Jericho. But honestly I think the biggest thing is the way they did the whole stupid episode with those dumb*** flashbacks. There was so much more they could have done with the time they wasted on those. But, I finished the episode feeling oddly relieved, and confused. Because I was SOOO addicted, and in love with these people, and now I don't even care.

Yeah, go ahead and flame me for not caring.... sorry :confused:
Luveykat said:
Yeah, go ahead and flame me for not caring.... sorry :confused:
We do not flame on this board and anyone who does so will receive a warning.

You gave an honest opinion and reasons as to why you think this. There is nothing wrong with giving your opinion. :)
Luveykat, it's cool that you don't care. :)
I have felt like that about certain shows, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's all good. :)
I did hate who they killed off, but I knew it was going to be him.

I do hope it comes back because his death could bring on some interesting storylines.

And while I was a bit annoyed with the flashbacks and wished we could have more of a resolution to the battle, I thought they were an inteesting touch and I liked the last flashback with Jake, his dad and grand dad because it was so symbolic and a good way to say goodbye to such a great actor and loved character. I wish they didn't have to do that at all... but oh well.

I liked it and hope that it that it sticks around.