It's time to play CSI MATCH GAME--2nd Season!!!

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BabaOReilly said:
^^^ Hmm... not sure we should be joking about child prostitutes on here, folks. It's up there with incest, rape and other atrocities. Let's avoid using that sort of thing in future, thanks.

I'd like to explain and defend my choice. I think you may have mis-understood why I said that. I was not joking about child prostitution which is a horrible problem in extremely poor countries.

Catherine said "I heard Nick and Warrick went to Thailand and had QUITE a time! The only problem is, when they got back, they brought __________ (s) with them!"

I had originally read the question as two seperate parts, the first part being have a blast in Thailand, and the second part being about they brought back__________. What I ment by my answer of child prostitutes was, how Nick and Warrick would care about the children want them to be protected. Even if it ment they had to kidnap the children so that the children would get a better life here in the US. I hope this made sense and now you can understand what I meant.
The problem with a game where you enter one or two word answers is that any intentions, legitimate or otherwise, are pretty much lost.

In future, please consider the ramifications before posting. Whether or not your intentions are as you say, this is a light-hearted game and your response (with either of its interpretations) is still completely innappropriate. If you feel the urge to discuss this further, please PM me so we don't derail the game any further. But please note my opinion is unalterable in this instance. No more of these types of responses please.
Ahem... I was going to say A-Bird Flue and B-A church choir.

Let's move along then with new phrases for Tuesday:

Dr. Sid Hammerbeck said "I can't believe that embarassing video of me with _________ got out all over the internet! Danny Messer STILL won't stop teasing me about it"

Bobby in ballistics said "Boy! I've seen bullets made out of silver, lead, copper and even frozen meat. But I've never seen bullets made out of __________ before--until now that is!
Guys, I know Sid's a coroner, but let's not start talking about him having sex with a corpse. It's just in poor taste. :(

Now, I'd love to see a bullet made of PEZ--how would that work, exactly? :lol:
^^^ See now, when a Mod points out something like "it's in poor taste" that's your clue to not be doing it. needmorecsi, you're working my last nerve. One more time and you're getting an official warning.
Because as usual, it's in poor taste. I would think that by now you have a feeling for how we run this board. If you are uncomfortable with that, then I suggest you're hanging out in the wrong place.

It ends now. No more gentle reminders. If you have more to say, take it to an Administrator. If you can't toe the line in here, I will give you the official warning. That's it. I'm over it.
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