It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

ThumpyG said:
glam_chic86 said:
ThumpyG said:
Where are the Old School Holiday Card Swappers????!!!!! Get off your butts and get online and take care of this!!! I expect at least half of last years holiday card swappers to pony up some cards this year and participate!!! :lol:

You mean me :p. I would, but I'm super busy this year. I'm working at a daycare, & soon I might start a part time job at the library along with still going to college. Plus, I might move out soon to a new address so that's another reason. It was a lot of fun last year though :D!

^ yes I SPECIFICALLY meant YOU!!!!! Because you are not participating this year, you get no porn card from me. *pouts* :lol:

:lol: Awww. You could always email me on 'cause remember, it's not the type of card that matters. It's the size of the p*nis on the guy on the card :devil:. Seriously though, I should pm or email you as I have tons to tell you.

But to those who want to participate, do it! I did it last year & I'm still alive. Plus, I haven't recieved any weird packages in the mail so it's all good :lol:.
Wow... talk about veering off into uncharted territory :lol:

I think I'm going to order my cards today. Plainly, I'm going to have to look for a special set of cards for a special set of people, you pr0n-hounds.
:lol: I'm the one who brought it up, and I doubt I'll be sending porny things in the mail. With my luck, somebody would open the package when I received my naughty cards after ordering them--and after my sister found that certain book I bought in LA, I'm reluctant to go there. :p

(Not that I can't check stores around here, though. ;))
*pokes head in*

Mind if I join in? :D This sounds like a really good idea and it'll be great to send and receive some more cards than I usually do! Count me in! :D
Top41 said:
^She found the book? What happened???
Yes indeed, it was quite embarrassing. It's kind of hard to explain that one to a 13 year old, although she's not exactly ignorant (and she knows of my love for the slash :p). ;)
Yes indeed, it was quite embarrassing. It's kind of hard to explain that one to a 13 year old, although she's not exactly ignorant (and she knows of my love for the slash

YOu think that's bad? Once I'd gone down home with a trunk full of newspapers/mags for recycling. My Dad was transferring the stuff into his van for me and among the magazines was one called Bizarre which, well, lets say the content wasn't something you'd want to be even thinking about your parents reading, heehee!
Beat this:

We were staying at my grandparents house, and in the attic bedroom we found a Playgirl magazine from the 70s that my grandmother had kept stashed in a drawer (an easily accessible drawer, so it had been looked at recently).

My older sister and I looked at it. Holy mustaches and chest hair, Batman!! :eek:
How did my innocent and pure little card swap post turn into the I-Hided-My-Porn-But-Somebody-Found-It post?! :( Is anything NOT turned into porn and boy sex lately? :lol:
I know. I know.

So, to get back on track a little here, 27 people have sent in their addresses so far! :eek That's a lot more than last year, if I remember correctly. There's still a lot of time though, so I definitely expect numbers to climb. There's still quite a few people who I expect to get your butts in gear people!
:lol: :lol: :lol: Poor lookaboomerang.

Wow, 27 people already! Looks like I'll have to buy a big stack of postcards.
oh my :lol: this is not what you would expect from a holiday card thread...

i wouldn't bother with pictures, when there is plenty of video around on the internet :devil:
glam_chic86 said:
ThumpyG said:
glam_chic86 said:
ThumpyG said:
Where are the Old School Holiday Card Swappers????!!!!! Get off your butts and get online and take care of this!!! I expect at least half of last years holiday card swappers to pony up some cards this year and participate!!! :lol:

You mean me :p. I would, but I'm super busy this year. I'm working at a daycare, & soon I might start a part time job at the library along with still going to college. Plus, I might move out soon to a new address so that's another reason. It was a lot of fun last year though :D!

^ yes I SPECIFICALLY meant YOU!!!!! Because you are not participating this year, you get no porn card from me. *pouts* :lol:

:lol: Awww. You could always email me on 'cause remember, it's not the type of card that matters. It's the size of the p*nis on the guy on the card :devil:. Seriously though, I should pm or email you as I have tons to tell you.

But to those who want to participate, do it! I did it last year & I'm still alive. Plus, I haven't recieved any weird packages in the mail so it's all good :lol:.

:devil: You are sooooo dirty. You really used a male body part on the board. :lol: I will e-mail you because I have lots to talk about too!

Seriously, for the most part we are all fairly normal, aside from the porn and gay boy porn. Sorry, lookaboomerang, it won't happen again. :devil:
I'm anticipating a wonderful card selection this year. :lol: Ya'll were great last year; this year sounds like it'll be even better! :D :devil: