it really makes me mad when.....


Lab Technician
so here you go..its a thread where people can well...COMPLAIN!
complaining just happens be what i do best(tehehehe)

so here you go....

it makes me really mad when....
-people say im going to hell
-my dog barks at me
-my computer is painfully today!

so now its your turn...what makes you mad????
When a mother is rude to her child - that totally make me nervous

When my computer gets slow (the same here, sandleissocute!)

When my mom speaks too loudly :p

When I hear 3 letters in this order: G-S-R

When I look at the clock an notice it's very late to surf on the net

When people are insincere

When blunt guys shout on the street "Hey chick, wanna be my girl?"

When my teachers are unfair
uh, complain?? You want a thread where you can complain? Ok, first off, never complain. It's a waste of time, because somewhere, somebody has it worse than you do. Secondly, complaining, is childish. And why should we be complaining about what makes us mad? Do you really think that's going to make anything better? Uh, no. It's not.

And, sandleissocute, the next time you go off complaining that your "computer is slow," just remember this: many, MANY people (some that I know) do not have a computer at all; they WISH they did so badly but the don't. Do you know how many people do not even have homes? A place to live?

I, personally, have never seen/heard a homeless person complain, once. They have what they have, and they are just grateful to be alive.

Cherish the things that you have. Don't complain because it's not good enough, because before you know it, it'll be gone.

~End Rant.~
Hmmm, your reality is really different from mine, Sandersgal4lyfe. And we DO NOT complain at all, we just share our opinion and experience ;) If you dont like it, then dont post into this thread and dont make an issue of it :)
I, personally, have never seen/heard a homeless person complain, once. They have what they have, and they are just grateful to be alive.
I hate generalizations.

How many homeless people have you stopped to listen to? In Los Gatos we only have three. Toothbrush Guy is just plain crazy and That-Guy-That-Killed-That-Other-Guy is really nice but Cigarette Lady is mean. She will hang around the 7-11 across the street from our highschool and ask kids if they have any cigarettes, when nobody gives her any (either you don't have any or you don't want to share) she throws things at you. Are you saying she is happy with her life?
Is it a homeless discussion? :rolleyes: I do feel for them anyway. I just dont see why people have to make an issue of this topic.
It really makes me mad when:

-My sisters bash my ships
-When the lap top goes really slow and it turns it self off
-When my brother calls me a computer geek
-When no Csi comes on
-When no House comes on
-When my sister says Jesse Spencer is a ass because he looks good
-When my sister uses my stuff without asking
-When my brother calls Csi and House stupid

Hehe i think im done ;)
It makes me mad when:
- I get relgious stuff dumped on me even though I've asked a million times for the person to not.
- I'm judged before people even know me
- I waste a whole day doing nothing
- When I'm told I don't know what reality is
- I'm told to be going to hell even though I didn't do anythign wrong (in my opinion)
- When people appologise for something they're not sorry for
- When people call me Leven
- When someone changes the channel while I'm watching CSI
tehehe i have more!

-i get a bleeding nose!
-my brother makes fun of me
-when fat people call other fat people fat(if they dont like it why the hell would anybody else!)
-when people at school used to throw things at me
-when my roomates wont shut up
-when i go to my mom and dads house and all my dad does is waych sports!
..when people ignore the oppression of puffins!! :mad:
..when people hurt my family and friends

Those are the only things I get mad about really, otherwise it's just a waste of time and energy :p
It really makes me mad when:

-My mom calls me "Megan, No Karen, Lynn, Karen, Kevin...Allison"
-When my sister gets annoyed that im bad at guitar hero
-The fact i dont have a talent
-When my sisters say the Cheerleading isn't a sport...their not a sport :D
-When we keep cancling are plans to go to the water park
-When i drink to much milk my mom has to say "no more i need some for cooking" ;)
-When theres no hot water left and im the last one to get showered
-When Edmonton is really dry and i get nose bleeds
-When Travis (My swarn enimie) said he loved me *Yuck*
-When we get spicy this and spicy that or soar this and soar that when i cant have it
-When my brother wont get out of are room
-Stupid pop ups that wont leave me alone
-When the doctors say im alergic to penisylan when i didn't show any alergic symptoms
-When my favorite character is hardley in the show

I think thats it...For no *Muwahahahahahahahahaha*
i hate it when

you get telephone calls from call centres about mobile phones
kids leave the bath filthy
when hubby hides socks under bed
when cat runs at your feet when you have your hands full
someone talks to you while you are on the phone
when someone talks to you while they have a mouthfull of food(gross)
when some one eats and makes the slopping noise (yuk)