it really makes me mad when.....

It makes me mad when:
- that the coffee at work is rubbish
- no matter how many times you request x-rays on a rush they never arrive when you need them
- people assume that just because im pregnant that I can't do my job properly
- patients miss their follow up appointments
- i have to work on budget reports

That's it for the minute I may be back later with more :lol:
never_a_promise said:
- people assume that just because im pregnant that I can't do my job properly
You're pregnant? Congratulations !!! :D
*if it's a boy his name will be Carmine or Danny? ;)*
It makes me mad when my parents (mum especially) is checking up on me while she knows I'm on a date.. with the most useless things.. last time, she phoned twice!! First time to ask if I was having rain as well :rolleyes: second time to ask at what time I was thinking of coming home :rolleyes: That just pisses me off, especially since I'm 23!!!
never_a_promise : CONGRATULATIONS!!

Jayne Can't you just turn off your phone ?? :p
Or just do if you don't hear it !! ;)
Denise said:
never_a_promise : CONGRATULATIONS!!

Jayne Can't you just turn off your phone ?? :p
Or just do if you don't hear it !! ;)
Yeah.. I have no experience with dates, so haha, yeah I should've done that.. worst even, my exbf phoned.. which I didn't answer.. because I was in the middle of something ;) and had not answered if I hadn't been in the middle of that something. Some people just pick the right days to call.. he hadn't called me in the past year I think. Why then?? :rolleyes:
Man, you just don't mean that :eek: :eek:
He not phoned you in the past year, and then just on that moment ?? He must have known !! :devil:
pizzapie said:
-when civilians are referred to as "collateral damage"

That annoys me as well.

WillowsWannabe: Just wondering, you put on your list (When people are insincere) just wondering why that annoys you. I'm quite insecure actually, but i'm not offended or anything, that's your opinion feelings.

What annoys me, a few things acually. But i don't like bullying i really hate it when a kid gets bullyed just because their wearing something different or because they are different, or if they don't look the same. I got bullyied for at least 6 years and it was horrible, but i would never bully anyone just because their different. I don't like racism either.
When dentists name tools like they do for a four year old. Today he called the drill "Mr. Vibrattie" and the air thingy "Mr. Air" I wanted to scream!
when my sister comes in when i'm watching csi and stands in front of the tv just to ask a question about the computer.
when i'm not alowed to run around screaming GSR or yo!bling because someone's sleeping
Denise said:
Man, you just don't mean that :eek: :eek:
He not phoned you in the past year, and then just on that moment ?? He must have known !! :devil:
He couldn't have known.. he's at a rather secluded place.. somewhere at sea, shipping cargo. He knows I'm seeing a girl, but not when.. but it was kind of weird yeah.
- I wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep anymore
- I get my period when I have an important date or go on holiday
- my parents nag about money, no scratch that, just when my parents nag :p
It really makes me mad when...

-My sister tells me to pick up my brothers toys (I just scattered them around are room making pink ranger ride a moter bike :D)