it really makes me mad when.....

It really makes me mad when:

- my sister complains about my music. My music to me is a release and it means a lot. I hate her music but I never complain about it to her!

- my family know that I am watching CSI in my bedroom but still come up and insist on having long conversations about stupid things that are irrelevant and could wait

- I watch the news - there is always something bad happening that makes me feel awful

- I am coming down the stairs and my cat runs across the stairs in front of me, nearly tripping me up

- People treat me like I am 10 or under, basically when they treat me like a child! Yes, I know I am only 15, but I know a lot more about the world than you think I do, I know a lot more than most other people do!

- My mum doesn't ask me something directly but says something to someone else whilst I am there. For example, (mum to my sister) "maybe Amy will do the ironing", instead of "Amy, would you mind doing the ironing?". I don't mind ironing and I would do it but I jsut hate it when she doesn't ask me directly

- My friend tells me that she is feeling really bad at the moment but then won't talk to me for about a week so I am left feeling really guilty, worried and angry

- Our house gets phone calls asking for taxi's

- My mum goes into my bedroom and just happens to stumble across something that was actually hidden away - "it was in the middle of your floor", no it bloody well was not! You had to search for it to find it!

- My doctor never does what I ask her do. I have the end say in what I want/need but she thinks she knows better and never does what I want, and she always ends up being wrong

- My grandma treats my grandad like a piece of crap - he has alzheimer's and he doesn't know what he is doing most of the time he isn't just faking it

- My parents don't admit to having arguments, they just say "we don't have arguments, just disagreements". Funny that those disagreements can result in them not talking for days on end

- Teachers forget I am in the class. I know I am quiet but I am still there

... wow :eek: I have a lot of things that make me mad! :rolleyes:
Normally i don't get mad that easy, but they did it again!!! Here at work they are so good in making appointments, and then turn them back!!! AAAARRGGHH. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Always when it comes to it, they never know anything. Do you have register everything, otherwise they can't remember anything ???? :eek: :eek:
Oh man, that really makes me mad !!
it really makes me mad when:
i realize that i am too shy and i can't do anything :rolleyes:
i am ill in summer (like right now)
parents make fun of me, because i am sick with CSI :p
my flies don't talk to me :lol:
hamster is too loud
i am reading and somebody is talking near me
CSI on Tv, but you realize there is no electricity :eek:
manda said:
you get telephone calls from call centres about mobile phones
Arg I hate that! Why would I want to another phone, when I have a contract with another company - it's not as if I can get out of the contract, so really they're just trying to sell me another contract on top of the one I've got! Why would I want to have two phones and pay two line rentals? :lol:
my dad :p everything he does... wish my perants would get a divorce... but no luck for me... they talked about it but they don;t want to get trhough all the fuss around it.
My mom and sisters complain about how i dress, and how much eyeliner i choose to wear. :rolleyes:

People bash Kurt Cobain. Nothing makes me angrier :mad:

People park their shopping carts right in the middle of the aisle(sp?) and you can't get your cart past them, and they do nothing. Honestly people. :lol:
BlueCurl said:
my dad :p everything he does... wish my perants would get a divorce... but no luck for me... they talked about it but they don;t want to get trhough all the fuss around it.

ooh im feeling for you here...sammme exact problem at my house.

it sucks...

I hate it when your with a group of friends and they totally forget your even there with them. Like, they'll be like "Hey everyone! Let's go down to the 7-11!" And then walk ahead of you. And when you go "Hey, guys, mind waiting up?" They always, ALWAYS retort with "Oh your such a slow poke! C'mon!"

And it always makes you even question why you even went with them that day.
-people only judge the outside of me and never actually talk to me. There is more to me than meets the eye.

-higher ups say "I've got your back" and turn around and break that confidence, thus breaking trust.

-I can't take every stray or abused animal home to take care of it.

-there is so much violence in the world.

-while driving, being tailgated by some one talking on a cell phone. Two people were killed recently because one was talking on a cell phone. I have a cell phone but make my calls before getting in or after getting out.

-after washing and waxing the car, every bird with in a 10 mile radius decides to visit the trees in the front yard. Funny I don't remember sending out inventations! :lol:
I have 2 new ones for today

It really makes me mad when:
-When your mom calls you Allison, Karen, Lynn, Megan, Jonathan, Alan...Allison :lol:
-When your 13 years old and your still getting happymeals ;)
When I go to a McDonalds and I make my ordination and everybody looks at me like I'm speaking Arabic...

me: A McRoyal without meat.
guy: What?
me *sigh*: A McRoyal without meat.
guy: Without meat?
me: Yeah.
guy: Without meat.
me: Yeah.
guy: Uh... Okay.
me *sighs*: Thanks.
Hahaha, poor Luna.

It makes me mad when:
-my parents disagree with me even though I'm the one with the right arguments.
-My dad threatens to not let me watch CSI anymore if I quote one more scene during the episodes. Can I help it that I know them all? :D
-I'm trying to tell something (mostly about CSI) and I find out that no one was listening anyway.
_CSI_Junkie_ said:
My mom and sisters complain about how i dress, and how much eyeliner i choose to wear. :rolleyes:

That really makes me mad too! I remember the first day I came down wearing eyeliner and my sister called me the biggest slut in the school. It's because of comments like that from them both that I wear it!

Here's a couple more since yesterday:
- when I've got my mind set on doing something but then I am way too shy to actually do it

- when my mum says "you look pale" - she says it basically every day!

- when my cat won't stop meowing!

- when I ask one of my friends to e-mail me a picture so that I can make her something with it but she takes a week and still hasn't sent me it! How many times she says she is going home to do it but she still bloody well hasn't!

- when I find spiders in my bedroom! I can't sleep the rest of the night

- my family read everything I am doing on the computer

That's me for now :)