Teetering on the edge here. Yes because DL perpetually threatens to swamp the show, but ever so warily voted 'No, incredibly close but not just yet' with regards to the others.
I agree. I’d vote “No,” at this point because some of the pairings mentioned really aren’t full fledged romances – just relationships where at least one of the parties involved may have non-platonic feelings for the other. They do seem to be trending towards too much emphasis on non-platonic relationships, though.
The real issue methinks is one of balance. It’s not that there’re too many romances – just not enough focus on other types of relationships and character dynamics. After re-watching a few of the season one and two episodes, it’s a bit surprising to see how much more complexity and depth the characters and relationships seemed to have in those days, but maybe that’s just me….
I do agree that relationships shouldn't take center stage in a crime drama, but a large part of the show’s appeal (for me at least) still centers around the characters -- who they are and how they change over the course of the series -- and relationships are important to understanding that. So I'm not opposed to romantic relationships on a series, assuming the actors have chemistry, storyline has purpose, and writing is good. And therein lies the problem for CSI:NY. The "romances" so far haven't been handled well in terms of build-up, continuity, character development, etc.
As many have pointed out, it generally seems to be more successful to pair a main character with a recurring one. That's how I'd prefer to see any romance depicted, because it by default places it secondary to everything else the show is supposed to be about.
I have mixed feelings about recurring characters as love interests. Once again it seems to come down to the writing, chemistry, and whether the scenario (whatever it is) really can be used to further a main character's development. For me, it’s hard to get too excited about recurring characters, though. There’s usually not enough time to flesh them out enough, and many times, they seem to end up being a big waste of time *cough*Jordan*cough* and take time from other characters that I actually care about.
Yes but doesnt anyone think that there are far more interesting things they could do for the characters and the viewers than just hook everyone up. :brickwall::brickwall:
*raises hand* I do. :thumbsup: Going back to seasons 1 and 2 again, there were a number of interesting storylines and dynamics (e.g., the tension between Mac and Danny re: Danny's insubordination) that seem to have fallen by the wayside. I think Danny, in particular, has really been hurt as a character by the D/L romance, and I agree with what someone mentioned in another thread. He really seems to be a more interesting character when paired with other characters besides Lindsay.
And I don't understand the continued insistence on putting Mac into some type of romantic relationship. As you and others have indicated, there's so much more interesting stuff to do considering his background and personality. They spent a lot of time early on establishing certain characteristics that make relationships difficult for him -- restrained personality, workaholic, trauma over wife's death, etc. So, of all the main characters, if there's one whom you'd expect NOT to be involved in many romances, it would be Mac. Yet, since season 3, there've been what? three potential love interests in the picture -- seems like more than for any of the other main characters. Guess there must be some type of unwritten rule that the leading man has to be a magnet for the ladies.
Someone from his Marine past could show up *cough....Gibbs....

* and stir up some past issues.
Yes, please. Gibbs and Mac in the same episode!:thumbsup:
Re: the specific relationships mentioned, I'm not a fan of the Danny/Lindsay pairing at all. I don't see the right type of chemistry between them to sustain the relationship and take it the distance, and I think the writing has done a disservice to both characters. But the pairing does seem to have a fanbase, so I presume the writers will continue with the storyline until they exhaust the dramatic possibilities or the broader audience's patience, whichever comes first. So far, the writers have managed to minimize the collateral damage and keep the relationship mainly between those two characters, so I think that makes it easier for some non-fans like me to tolerate or ignore it.
Flack and Angell have good chemistry, but I need to see a bit more before buying into this one completely. Yeah, the kiss was sorta out of the blue, but I can write that off to some degree as an impulsive, vulnerable moment for Flack. I'd prefer that this "romance" stay largely in the background and that they show us the build-up through little moments between them in the course of the job. I do think Flack would be a great candidate for a longer term romantic storyline but am not sure yet what the right storyline might be.
Re: Adam and Stella, please writers, just don’t go there. As said before, the crush scenario is cute if used selectively and in a lighter vein. But these two are too different in terms of life experience, stage of life, self-confidence, etc. to do anything more. Anything serious between them would have overtones of an inappropriate teacher/pupil relationship, and neither character needs that type of baggage.
As for Mac and Gillian....Seems like they are doing the same thing with Gillian as with Jordan – giving her two or three episodes to see whether she will click with Gary/Mac and the audience. And if so, perhaps they will bring her back for more. I'm not too thrilled with this storyline so far because once again the writers seem to be skipping over some of the build-up and the "Boss/Subordinate" scenario seems to go against what's been established about Mac's sense of professionalism and integrity in the past. Guess we'll see where it goes.
The only couple that could work but TPTB NEVER TRIED (because they don't have time enough to think properly in some intelligent way) is SMACked
Even in pictures you can tell Gary and Melina have a great chemistry together.
I will agree with you that these two have the "look" and great chemistry as well. And GS and MK seem to put the little extras into their interactions (body language, eye contact, smiles, adlibs) that make the connection between them seem natural and believable.
That said, I can understand why the writers would hold off on any type of romance between them for the time being. They have their hands full with the Danny/Lindsay storyline. And if they were to mess up the Mac/Stella relationship (too much, too soon), it could potentially damage the characters and series.
I wouldn't be surprised if the producers/writers eventually do go towards romance in some form or fashion with these two at some point. It will be too tempting for them not to do so, especially if they believe some amount of people want to see it and think it can help them with ratings as the show "matures." If they are going to pair them up romantically at some point, though, I hope they'll give it sufficient build-up so it doesn't just seem to come out of the blue.