
Hi everyone!

I'm 34. I'm in Dallas, TX. I'm originally from Florida. My hubby took a job out here a couple of years ago so here we are.

I'm a huge CSI fan. But in all honesty, only of the original. I tried CSI:NY and Miami and I just didn't like either one of them. I am glad they do well though. :cool:

We're also big fans of NCIS, Criminal Minds, Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis), etc.

I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to join so, hello everyone! :) :)
Hallo everybody,
I know I'm 12 pages in here, but do you suppose there's a drink left for me? :p I am a fairly recent de-lurker, originally from Montreal.

I really just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying the vibe on this site, all forums I've visited. Loving it here so far. Thanks to everyone for that.

I'm happy I decided to emerge from the shadows here. This might be a tad long, but keeping in the spirit of things, dark, foggy and requiring fancy flashlights... :lol:

"It wasn't a dark and stormy night. It should have been, but that's the weather for you.... Just because it's a mild night doesn't mean that dark forces aren't abroad. They're abroad all the time.

They're everywhere. They always are. That's the whole point. Two of them lurked in the ruined graveyard....

They had been lurking in the fog for an hour now, but they had been pacing themselves and could lurk for the rest of the night if necessary, with still enough sullen menace left over for a final burst of lurking around dawn.

Finally, after another twenty minutes, one said 'bugger this for a lark...'" :D

(from the book, Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman)

:cool: :cool: :cool:
Welcome to all the newbies! ;)

Don't know if you notice, but I've been away... I was on vacation. :cool: Spent a week at New York and just loved it.
Just wanted to say I missed you guys!!!

What happend to the brownies? :D
DragonflyDreamer said:
Uh oh, more Canadians
Aw, Ducky, you know you love us :lol:

Yes, as long as you are not kicking our asses in ice hockey :rolleyes: (which you just did few weeks ago)
Tho we kicked your ass in volleyball last night :D

*does a little dance*
Also a newbie. And also a Canadian!

I've been reading the forum for the last few months, but only created an account last week. . . and now I'll probably go back into lurkdom. lol

Just wanted to say hi. =)