
Well i would like to introduce my self i'm lauren and my mate told me about the CSI files website so i thought i might as well sign up and see what happerns
Hey everyone! Just want to introduce myself.... I'm Tan, I live Up the River Denial - aka Australia.

I've been watching for years now, but only just gotten REALLY interested, and found this place.

I've loved Stargate for the longest time, but seeing that it's been axed, I thought I'd better get myself a new obsession... hehehe


Check ya all next time the merry-go-round stops.

Tan :cool:
Welcome Lauren and good obsession choice Tan. Make yourself at home.. Eh? Whatever happened to those brownies and cookies? :confused: Did someone stole 'em again? :rolleyes:

Welcome back Kitty!
Welcome to all the newbies! CSILauren, its a comfortable strange? :lol: We'll take it! :)

Welcome back LtKitty, it's always a pleasure seeing you on the boards. :)
hey you guys! I'm RoseMary (or just rosy) ! I'm from Germany so every fault , grammar or spelling is for everyone's amusement...
Next year in september I'll say goodbye germany and hello USA... for one year at least...
Hi everybody,
It has been quite a while since I have been on here. My life is so hectic right now, working tons of overtime at my job leaves very little time on my pc except to check my E-Mail.

I have enjoyed my time on the board immensly in the past.
Everybody is really nice and the mods do a fantastic job. :D

I will try to come back now and then, but if things remain the same, it won't be very often.

I want to wish everybody now a Happy and Joyous Holiday season. :D

Take care everybody.

Thanx for the more than warm welcome guys... hope to be here as often as I would like, but if not, it'll be as often as I should...

Sam :cool: