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Re: Introductions

^^Oooh! Thank you Dolhpin! Hey maybe if I don't get to swim with the dolphins, I can swim with you. :lol:
Re: Introductions

Hi, Im new. Blah blah blah. I'm Megan, or Megs, if you wish. I have moved twice in the last six months, one of those was a huge move cross-country. I am a stay-at-home pseudo-mom and Navy wife. I love all three CSI's, NY is my favorite, followed by Vegas, then Miami. I do watch them all, though!
Re: Introductions

Hey everyone. Heh, it's my time to go now. I'm really not happy about it but the comp demands it's rest so rest it shall and off I must go. Take care everyone and see ya lot some other time.


Re: Introductions

:eek: Noooo! Casp you cannot leave us! :(

Will you come back when the new seasons starts? :(

Have phun ;)
Re: Introductions

Whaaa! Casper, no! :eek: *cries*

How can you leave us? :( :(

Oh, I really hope you come back soon!! *sniff*
Re: Introductions

Yes, I will be back when the new season starts. I'm still lagging behind here. Still at S3 :p.

I'll try to come in if I can. Today, I happen to have time to post. So today is eventually the last you'll see of me till I don't know when.

You lot have fun too!
Re: Introductions

Welcome Megan and *sobs* :( bye Casper....for now.....hope you'll be back soon! *sigh*
Re: Introductions

Thank you for all the welcomes! I'm sure you will find me with my mind happily in a gutter somewhere discussing Flack or Danny! Haha
Re: Introductions

zippy said:
^^Oooh! Thank you Dolhpin! Hey maybe if I don't get to swim with the dolphins, I can swim with you. :lol:
Anytime! :D

Welcome, Meg and bye bye CSIsMANIAC!
Re: Introductions

Hey everyone. Heh, it's my time to go now. I'm really not happy about it but the comp demands it's rest so rest it shall and off I must go. Take care everyone and see ya lot some other time.



NOOOOOOOO!!! Not you Sayang!! *cries* Now what am I and Zippy suppose to do!?! :( Talk to you on MSN :p
Re: Introductions

Hey everyone. Heh, it's my time to go now. I'm really not happy about it but the comp demands it's rest so rest it shall and off I must go. Take care everyone and see ya lot some other time.



No! :eek: Damn...we seem to be losing a lot of cool people lately. :(
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