In Between the Scene: Going Under


Head of the Graveyard Shift
This is what should have happened after Horatio seen Calleigh all wet sitting on the ground.

This leaves off after Calleigh escapes the water and is sitting on the lakes edge.

Horatio: "Calleigh"? "Sweetheart", are you okay?

Bending on one knee Horatio looked at calleigh all wet and shaking.

Horatio: "Sweetheart"?

Calleigh: "Horatio"? "all the evidence", "I'm sorry".

Horatio: "Sweetheart", "I don't want you to worry about that right now". "You are my only concern".

(Crying Calleigh bowed her head.)

Calleigh: "Sorry", "so sorry "

(And with that said Calleigh passed out).

Horatio: "Calleigh"? "Medic", I need a medic right now".

(Horatio picked up calleigh and carried her to the ambulance.)

Horatio: "Hold on sweetheart", "hold on". "Eric", called "H".

Eric: "yeah "H"?

Horatio: "Don't leave that hummer or that evidence Eric, you hear me"? "I'm going with Calleigh to the hospital".

Eric: "You got it "H".

(Upon arrival to the hospital Calleigh awoke.)

Calleigh: "Horatio"

Horatio: "HI sweetheart", "how you feeling"?

Calleigh: "Where am I"?

Horatio: "You're in the hospital sweetheart, you passed out at the scene".

Calleigh: "Oh Horatio", the evidence, I'm so sorry". (crying again)

Horatio: "Sweetheart", I told you not to worry about that". Eric has everything at the lab".

Doctor: "Lt.Caine"?

Horatio: "Yes doctor"?

Doctor: "Calleigh can go home". "All her tests came back normal". "She'll need lots of rest and someone should stay with her tonight".

Horatio: "Okay", "thank-you doctor". "Well Calleigh", you ready to go home"?

(Nodding her head she went into the washroom to change. Horatio then called Eric and informed him if he was needed he could be reached at Calleighs).

Eric: "Why "H"

Horatio: "Calleigh has to be watched tonight as per the doctor".

Eric: "Okay "H", I'll let the team know.

Horatio: "Thanks Eric".

(Calleigh comes walking out of the washroom.)

Horatio: " You ready Calleigh"?

Calleigh: "Yes", thank-you".

Horatio: "Then let's go". "Calleigh, I'll be staying with you tonight".

Calleigh: "That's not nessasary Horatio"

Horatio: "Yes it is sweetheart, doctors orders".

(And with that said they left the hospital together.)

(Once they arrived at calleighs apartment Horatio asked if she was okay to walk.)

Horatio: "Calleigh", are you okay to walk"?

(As he looked over Calleigh was sound asleep. Picking her up Horatio took her upstairs and layed her on the sofa. As he covered her with a blanket Calleigh spoke in her sleep.)

Calleigh: "I love you Handsom".

End Scene.
It's supposed to be. :) But if you'd like this version to keep going I can do that too. ;) Thanks for the feedback.
whatever you're comfortable with doing, I'll be happy with.... no pressure if you decide to go ahead with another chapter, though :)
Lovely work!! That would be so great to see, but alas! :rolleyes: Anyway, if you want to go on with a chapter 'after' the episode, that would be nice too, 'cos it's really nice the way you write!! Nicely done again!! :D
Hiya all, I think I'll leave it, as it was supposed to be just part of a scene. But I really wish the writters of CSI would smarten up and bring these two together.
Going Under is continuing once again, as H/C explore this scene further and deeper into each other's lives. I will have them working on cases as they try and hide their relationship from thier team.

"H" wasn't sure what to say, after Calleigh had said she loved him. He knew his feelings for her were very strong, could it be true? could she really love me, he wondered to himself. Watching her sleep, he started thinking back to all the cases they had worked on together. Deeper into thought, he realized they always had that closeness, from the way she smiled at him, or touched his arm in passing, But the one day that really came to his mind, was when Calleigh had taken DNA from his hands. He could remember how warm her hand felt through the glove, the way she looked at him, when she realized he had DNA for her from Walter with her beautiful full smile. The more Horatio thought about these things, the more he realized, he did have feelings for Calleigh.

Calleigh started moaning in her sleep, Horatio walked over and asked Calleigh if she was okay. Still being half asleep, Calleigh brought her lips up to Horatio's mouth, and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Horatio was shocked for the briefest of moments, and then he fell into the kiss with her. Calleigh started to fell warm and fuzzy inside. As she came awake, she seen Horatio in her ams. Looking into each other's eyes, they knew what they had started would last a lifetime. Picking her up in his arms, he took her upstairs and laid her upon her bed.

"Stay with me Horatio"? Horatio climed into bed beside Calleigh, as he got comfortable Calleigh rolled over into his arms. "Horatio"?, "Yes Calleigh"? "Could you hold me please, in your arms I'm so cold". Horatio wrapped Calleigh up in his embrace. "Better sweetheart"? "Yes, thank you for being here with me". "Alway's calleigh", "alway's. Later that evening Calleigh got up out of bed and startled Horatio. "I'm sorry Handsome", I didn't mean to startle you". "I know love, I forgot where I was". "Are you feeling okay sweetheart"? "Yes fine thanks, as she headed to the washroom.

Horatio knew he needed to leave, and soon, before something happened. As he got up to leave the bed Calleigh walked out of the bathroom in a long white nightgown. Horatio felt his body respond to the vision before him, she looked like an Angel with her golden hair and green eye's. "Calleigh, umm, I think I need to go". "Why Horatio, I want you to stay". "Calleigh if I stay, I'm afraid things will change between us forever". "Would that be so bad Handsome"? "I don't know Calleigh". "I have really deep feelings for you, but I don't want us to jeopordize what we already have". "Do you understand"? Walking over to stand in front of Horatio, Calleigh took her hand and softly caressed Horatio's cheek. Looking into his eyes she said, "Please love me Horatio", love me all night long". Horatio knew he was fighting a losing battle against her, and giving in, to years of hunger and want, he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her with passion and with love.

oooh I like the beginning. Please go on, I want to see where it goes :) *keeps poking you about the other fic*
Thanks Mel :devil:

In the morning Horatio woke up with Calleigh sound asleep in his arms.

"Calleigh, wake up love". "I've got to leave for work". Calleigh woke up and looked over at Horatio, "Why do you have to work, you can take the day off".

Horatio was trying to fight the pain of what they had done last night. He knew he crossed the line with Calleigh, but wasn't sure how to approach it.

"Listen Calleigh, I need time to think about what happened last night between us".

"There's nothing to think about Handsome, I wanted it more then you did, I love you, I've always loved you"?

That's not true Calleigh, I've always loved you, everything about you, I'm just not sure how we can work together with the team, without our feelings showing through, especially if something happens".

"Horatio, just stop that mind of yours from thinking things like that, those are roads we can face as they happen".

Horatio knew Calleigh had a valid point, but it still didn't make it any easy. "Okay love, okay, you win", but I'm not taking a day off work". Calleigh laughed at "H"s expression, he looked like he had been doused in lye or something.

"That's fine love, let's just shower and change", said Calleigh. "Hold it"! said "H". "You are not going to work today Calleigh". "Oh yes I am". "No you're not Calleigh, you need rest". "I'm fine Handsome", she said as she headed towards the shower.

Horatio followed Calleigh into the shower, standing outside he yelled through the running water.

"Listen calleigh", "You are not going to work today". "If you come anywhere near the Crime Lab I'll drag you back home". Calleigh wondered if "H" had realized he said home.

"I'm going Caine wether you like it or not", and that's that", said Calleigh. "CALLEIGH"!, yelled "H". "That's it Caine, I'm not bloody deaf", and she opened the shower cutain and pulled "H" into the shower, as she kissed him to shut him up. It didn't take long for Calleigh to show Caine who was boss, in their relationship.

As they drove to the Crime Lab Calleigh was smiling like a contented cat. "You can loose that smile Sweetheart, because you are on desk duty for the next two days". "What"? "Why". "Calleigh please understand I'm against you even being at work already, so please give me peace of mind and do two day's at the desk". Calleigh knew "H" was right and he did let her come to work. "Fine, you win". "I'll stay at the desk". "Thank-you", said "H" as he kissed her sweetly on the lips.