"In a Dark, Dark House" Discussion *SPOILERS*

OK, sharp, but was just playing safe, I never know anymore what's right and what's not! so if you want to know and if it's OK, then I'll name the other 4;)
That's interesting...never really thought about it, but maybe Ray and Gloria might get back together after all of this is over. That would be nice, since she still seemed to have at least some feelings for him and we know he has feelings for her. Too bad it would be at the expense of her poor husband tho. ;)
I'm a hopeless romantic and a sucker for a happy ending so I hope Ray and his ex do get back together after all this ordeal :).
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As soon as they had her get married to Phil (or whatever his name is) and said Haskell was gonna use her to get to Ray, I knew the hubby would most likely die and that its possible that Ray and Gloria would reunite.
As soon as they had her get married to Phil (or whatever his name is) and said Haskell was gonna use her to get to Ray, I knew the hubby would most likely die and that its possible that Ray and Gloria would reunite.

Just some more proof of how dangerous marriage is....:lol:
Lets hope this is the end of the whole Raskell saga. I think people are getting tired of it, it has gone on way too long.
I know LF has said he'll be back next season but Nick says "Langston might have been up against more than one killer", couldn't they just ask Langston how many people there were? Unless he's dead, that is
I know LF has said he'll be back next season but Nick says "Langston might have been up against more than one killer", couldn't they just ask Langston how many people there were? Unless he's dead, that is

I'm thinking they are in the farm house, but Ray, Gloria, and Haskell have left and they don't know where they are. Processing the scene and all of the blood might be why Nick said there may have been more than one.

Maybe Nate's father was helping him until Nate turned on him?
Before I go off on a rant, is mentioning last week's episode okay in this thread?

It would be assumed that readers of an episode thread have seen prior episodes, so...yes. :)

Okay, good, was just checking. I'm in the mood for a good rant. That being said...

It's really going to irritate me if they have Catherine support Ray next week after all the crap he pulled. It really looks like it if she's saying that they need to look at all the evidence in favor of Ray being innocent and she's talking to Gloria's mom to calm her down. Uh, hello. Ray defied her several times (by disappearing, by going into the system despite being locked out, by going to the old house without backup [not to mention the crap he pulled last year, too]), and all of a sudden it's cool? What happened to the HBIC Cath that we've seen the last two weeks who was in Ray's face telling him not to do something stupid/ripping him apart when he does?! Makes no sense, and if this is the way they write Marg out by calling Cath's role as supervisor into question, I'm gonna be pissed. They've written her as leader very sporadically and horribly, and I do not want to see her leave under the pretense that she couldn't keep Ray under control. The Cath from like six seasons ago would have sent his ass back to labrat so he doesn't see the light of day for a few years. Give me a break.

/end rant.
^ No I agree with you, how far is Cath willing to let the man go? A few years ago I would have said "no way" if you told me all of whats been happening lately, yeah like she said earlier in the season "I'm the last person that should throw stones" and she's gone over the line a few times but she never went THIS far, if she were doing all this now Ecklie (or years ago Griss) would of just chewed her butt then spit it out before the very least suspending her

Also what's HBIC mean?