I'm Sorry That You Love Me- GSR fic

Wow this is so amazing, please update soon :D! It is so sweet and I'm interested to see where this is headed :D :) ;)
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying this, but I am warning you now that the next chapter is where they're taking the life support off and it will be long, very long. I might even split it in two, I don't know, I'm in the middle and no where near the end of where I want the chapter to end.
I absolutely love this story. I could barely move out of my seat, and now I must see what's going to happen.
Hey guys, here's the update you've been waiting for, duh duh duh! And I'm glad to hear that I'm doing a good job, for I think it's just mediocre, lol. But enjoy, and keep the feedback coming.
For Better or Worse - Chapter 16

Sara sat still cold hands gently clamped onto Grissom's icy hands, white as the room they sat in. It was for sure now, in five minute's time, they would be removing Grissom from life support, and surely, grimly, he would die. The room was deathly quiet, you'd never be able to tell that a dozen people, including the dying man himself, were squeezed into the room. Doctor Richardson and a nurse stood on the side of Grissom's bed closest to the wall, pushed out a bit far for them and the machines to fit. Standing left to right were Doc Robbins, Catherine, Greg, followed by Nick with Brass next to him, and Warrick on the end, all lined up behind Sara. At the end of the bed, much to everyone's anger and dismay, was the Sheriff and Mayor, both standing with feet spread slightly apart, arms crossed behind their back, staring down coldly, but appreciatively down at the Graveyard Shift Supervisor. The soft beeping of the pulsometer rang in Sara's ears, quite aware of all the people behind her. By now, all of the team had said a tearful, emotional goodbye.

Doc Robbins

He doesn't deserve to die, no one like him or anyone on this team for the record should have to live through this. He was a good man, a great worker, and an even better friend. To all of us.

He stood silent, his fingers curling themselves over the handle of the cane in his right hand, always repositioning and swapping, nervously awaiting the final doorstep his good friend Gil would have to step through.


Oh God, I'm a wreck, I can't do this. How can Sara sit there, tears falling, yet no wailing, no sobbing, no final goodbye? She's strong, just as much as him if not possibly more. I'm going to miss him, I don't want him to go.

Wrapped in Greg's arms for comfort, she had her heavy, spinning head rested on his shoulder, watching the final minutes of her co-worker's life.


Oh Grissom, why?! Why oh why must you go? I'm still not nearly as experianced as I should be, I need you. We all need you. And I miss you, you're basically my-my father. Don't leave me yet...

His eyes stinging with tears unshed, he wrapped his young yet strong arms around Catherine's shoulders and held her, afraid to let go as if he would drift away, too.


I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I'm doing this. Especially now of all times! How am I going to break it to her? How is she going to accept it? Will she accept it? God, Griss, why can't you do this yourself? I'm no good at this kind of thing. See, I do need you! I need to prove my expertise and knowledge to myself, her, and you in one move. Can you be proud of me now?

His palms clutching desperately onto something, he held it behind his back, head half hung down in andrenaline, fear and sorrow.


Grissom, you saved me, and I'm sorry I can't save you. I'm sorry I was foolish, I'm sorry I was an ass before, I'm sorry sometimes I've put you in a place you should not have been placed, I'm sorry I couldn't stop him sooner. God, Grissom, I'm sorry for a lot of things, but the thing I apologize for the most, is not being a better friend to you more.

Hands clasped in front of him, Jim Brass let a tear slide down his cheek, no longer afraid to show who he really is and feels.


I'm gonna miss ya' Griss, I really am. We all are. Griss man, I don't think I could ever be more thankful for the years I've had with the best mentor, friend, entomologist, criminalist that I've ever had the pleasure of crossing paths with. Bye.

Hands in the pockets, sizing up the scene before him, his eyes echoing what everyone else was feeling. Grissom was leaving them way too soon.

"Three minutes left, Doctor." The young nurse whispered, respectful of what was going on around her. He nodded, those bright blue eyes that seemed too familiar to Sara glazed, knowing what to do next.

"Sara, would you like to make a good bye?" His voice was quiet, but she heard him as if he had yelled from the hallway. She nodded, hair pulled back with a butterfly pin he had given her back years ago at a conference she'd seen him at, back when she thought they really had a chance.

"Grissom, your life has been cut too short, and I can't help but blame myself for it. If it wasn't for me, we would have been going about, solving more crimes, our favorite things to do. I remember the conferences and seminars, how we'd catch up on missed times, what the other was doing, and how they were doing. I always thought that maybe, someday, we'd come over our student/teacher reference. When you called me up seven years ago, and asked me to come to Vegas, I thought that maybe you were taking action, and even though we now had a boss/subordinate relationship, much worse than the previous, I hoped that maybe somehow, someway we'd come over it. I didn't want it to happen this way. When you tried to stop me from going undercover, I felt a pang in my heart, going against your wishes, but I wanted to prove myself to you, and make you happy, maybe appreciate me more. When Adam, the insane asylum patient, put the pottery to my throat and you could only watch, nothing more in your power to do, I saw your face. It was worry, anger, hope, adrenaline, lots of all of them, but worry and caring triumphed over the anger and fear. You were there for me, after the DUI, the hostage incident, my counseling, everything. And I can only thank you for that. Goodbye, Grissom, I love you. I can't think of any way to show you my love more." With this, she took his hand in hers' and kissed the icy flesh, letting two tears skitter onto the porcelain skin.

"Sara, there is one more thing you can do for him." Nick's voice rang shakily, and now, all eyes were on him; the team, Sara, the doctor and nurse, the Sheriff, the Mayor, he even felt Grissom's prying eyes burning down on him. Stepping forward, he pulled his hands in front of himself now, whatever laying in his grasp still a mystery, and took another painful step, putting his body next to Sara, kneeling down.

"Wha-What d'ya mean, Nick?" Her eyes were pleading, thirsty for some way to bring Grissom back to her, hands holding the arm of the metal chair so tightly her knuckles' hue matched Grissom's.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sidle. It's time." And with a single movement and a flick of a switch, the rather loud humming stopped and the beating of Grissom's heart was following in close pursuit. Nick and Sara's eyes met, fear flickering through as Nick rushed forward, skipping all the major foreplay.

"I found these, looking through Grissom's stuff. I know I shouldn't have, but he came to me, gave me a sign, and I knew I had to do it. Sara, he loves you more than you can ever now, and I'm sure by the look and devotion in your voice and stare that you feel the same back. He must've felt it since he met you, because I found these in his belongings that laid in his pockets. Wedding rings, Sar." He whispered the last part before pressing into her hands the two navy blue velvety boxes. Opening the one in her left hand, staring confusedly at Nick, she found the ring Grissom had intended, eventually, to give to her. Removing it slowly, extremely aware of the almost-not-there beating of Grissom's heart, and carefully, as if this was a dream, slipped it onto her left ring finger. It fit perfectly, and it was beautiful. Her voice and sobs caught in her throat, not sure of what to do.

But on hearing the pulseometer drop to nothing, Catherine sobbed, Doc Robbins closed his eyes, Warrick wrap his hands over his face, Brass stare, crying at the floor, Greg crying as hard, if not harder than Catherine as they embraced. Yet Sara rose, opening the second box, tears slowly falling as they rushed from Nick's eyes as he held a hand, supportively, on her shoulder and she removed the other band from the box, swiftly, symbolically placing it onto Grissom's left ring finger. The Sheriff and Mayor bowed their heads, eyes still curiously watching the peculiar actions before them, though. Leaning down, as a last good bye, she laid her tender lips upon Grissom's unmoving, cold lips and kissed him, saying how much she loved him in that quick good bye alone. Straightening back up, she turned back around to Nick, wiping the fast-falling tears from her cheeks and they wrapped their arms around each other, finding comfort in each other's gaze. "Thank you, Nick. This has truly made my day." Pulling back and squeezing his hand, she graced a small, sorrow drenched smile on her face, walking toward the team, as she stopped dead.

Suddenly, her eyes rolled back and her limp body fell into Nick's arms as he quickly caught her as she collapsed in a dead faint...for the pulseometer had jumped back to life and a raspy voice whispered, "Hey."
I'm at a loss of words. I was so sunk in all this, knew there had to be some catch, but when Gil finally spoke, it all hit. He's alive. This is truly a miracle, and I can't wait to see how everyone reacts.
Okay, well this isn't anything fantastic, but I needed a transition from this part to another. Therefore, it's not long, it's not very involved, but I promise, this isn't the end!

Chapter 17

It was chaos; pure, jubilant, happy estatic chaos. The Sheriff and Mayor both picked up their head, eyes wide in disbelief as Brass kneeled down next to Nick, who was gently shaking Sara's head back and forth as she laid across his lap on the floor. "She waking up?" Nick shook his head.

"No, she's out cold. Sar, Sar wake-up." As the two attended to the unconscious Sara, Doc Robbins let his lips curl into a smile and sat down in a chair behind him, Warrick sitting still, amazed and disoriented. Greg started crying harder, happiness just pouring from his eyes as Catherine held him, wiping away her tears, gently trying to coax Greg into submission.

"Shhh, Greg, it's all right! He's fine, he's alive, he's gonna be okay." The doctor and nurse began checking vitals, baffled by this miracle. Grissom was alive, and was going to be okay. His arm shakily reached out towards the chair where Sara was sitting.

"Sara, where's Sara?" His voice was hoarse, quiet, muffled by the action around him.
"She's down here, Gris!" Nick called to Grissom, catching his attention, opening his dazzling blue eyes.
"On the floor. She's out cold," he whispered, caressing her hair in a soothing way, trying to gently wake her up as Brass held her hand, whispering her name. "Sara, Sara wake-up. Sara..."

Grissom sighed and reached out towards, the doctor, gently seizing his arm as he turned to go. "Thank you." The doctor grinned, and shook his head.
"It isn't me you should be thanking, thank them." At that he nodded his head towards everyone else in the room and walked out, the Sheriff and Mayor behind him. Scoffing, Grissom could only just lay his head back in his lack of energy, but eyes still open and alert. "Hey guys, what's the party for? Slumber party?" Everyone, besides the still-calming Greg, chuckled and circled closer round the bed. Holding his left hand out, to start shaking their hands, he felt something cold and looked at his hand. Breath catching in his throat, he managed to croak, "Whe-where did you guys find this?" Holding his hand up and gesturing towards the ring, the ring he knew very well.

Warrick spoke up, clearing his voice, eyes down. "Nick found it, said you gave him a sign and he found it, he gave them both to Sara, and she placed them respectively. You were a gonner, you were gone, but you came back." Grissom nodded, looked perplexed still at his hand.

Two Hours Later

Waking with a start, Sara sat straight up in bed, haunted, disturbed. "No, no there's no way. I just fainted at the final recognition, he's really gone." Swinging her legs over the side of the hospital bed, her frail feet hit the cold tile floor and walked around the curtain, screaming out in surprise. "Oh my God! No, no you're not really there, I'm dreaming!" There Grissom laid in his bed, hands folded, smiling at her.

"So, if you really feel that way, I'll be taking my ring back then." She looked down quickly at her hand. The opal imbedded engagement ring was still on her finger.
"No! I mean, no! I heard the pulsometer drop! Everyone was crying! You died!" Taking a step forward, she fearfully examined him. He appeared real, the color in his face was almost normal, his eyes, they were his eyes. It was Grissom, but she knew he died!

"Sara, please just come here." Holding out his hand, she approached slowly, silent, and sat in the chair at his bedside. His face dropped to his normal emotionless stare as he reached out and caressed the side of her face. "Now, does that feel like a dream?" Shaking her head softly, she began to cry, taking his hand again and wrapping her hands around it.

"Oh Grissom, I just can't believe it's really you! Oh God, I feel like a fool," she whispered, and he just chuckled.
"I'm the fool, for not asking you earlier. You know, I really didn't want to propose this way, and I really intended on doing it myself but..." he shrugged his shoulders, earning a kiss from Sara, gentle but filled with love.

"It doesn't matter to me how you did it, because I know you love me."