Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Well I wouldn't say that i'm the heart AND the lungs. Maybe we each take a lung and half a heart...but then with half a heart you couldn't live so....hm...i'm going to have to think about this one some more. Teehee.

But holy bejebus flippin banana pancake popsicle sticks those are a lot of piccies. And they are all lovely. I can't wait to see what y'all come up with.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Keep those icons coming guys, y'all have until this Friday to enter. :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Mine are coming, I promise. I've just been crazy busy this week. I still am, but the challenges are getting priority at the moment ;) Mostly because I need a break, and I really want to enter.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

If you need a break, feel free to take one. :) These challenges will still be here when you get back to them. ;)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Ooh, I'm hoping to have chance to enter this one.

Great choice of pics. :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

These challenges will still be here when you get back to them.
Oh I know. But I'm all addicted now... and making icons is much better than cleaning... which is what I'm supposed to be doing at the moment...
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Just sent mine in... Ugh I'm so tired and I used up all my creativity on the new themed challenge so my icons are kinda lame. :p Hehe oh well. Good luck everyone!
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Alright, no more entries. I'll be setting up the icons very soon, so keep checking back! :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

^ Rats, now I suddenly have spare time, I've just missed this challenge :( Oh well, guess I'll have to be patient and wait for the next one :)

Can't wait to see all the entries :D
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