Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Alright, reviewed them, but now 26 and 28 are twice :confused:
Though the added icons are also great and it was even harder, I stick with my first votes... ;)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

...Crap. :lol:

Don't mind my brain today, it hasn't turned on yet. I'll fix that right away. ;) Thanks for letting me know. :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Hihi, I really don't want to bother you, but now #29 is suddenly # 39 :eek: ;) (and I think that some numbers of the already existing icons have changed; well, at least from #26 on...)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

I've fixed number 39 to 29 right now. :)

Alright, here's what we'll do. (Because this is simpler) Everyone please to vote again. I will not count any of current votes, so please re-post your votes anew. I know it sucks, but it'll give a fair chance to everyone this time around. (And most of this has been stupid mistakes made by yours truly)

Sorry again, for the inconvenience. I'll have my brain strapped into my head sometime tonight, I swear. :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

:lol: That doesn't matter, Genie, I know about those days only too well! ;)
So here my votes again:

Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

:lol: I'm glad I'm not alone. :p

Besides, Katie will be doing the next challenges so it's less headaches all around. :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7


:lol: Geni, don't worry. I've had so many days like that I lost count.. Uh oh. :p
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