Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Just wanted to say thank you all for those who entered. Your guys' icons are amazing, keep up the great work!


First place -
- Sherlockanne

Second Place -
- Sherlockanne

Third Place -
- fo_poozle

Congradulations to the winners! *passes out cookies*
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Congratulations to all the winners! :D

Y'all did an excellent job, those icons are terrific. :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

*Dies from shock* I can't believe it!! I've never won 1st in anything before!! Thank you so much guys!! *Blushes* Congrats also to fo_poozle! Once again, you all had amazing icons! :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

congrats sherlockanne! your icons were beautiful!
and thanks to everyone who voted for me <3
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Congratulations sherlockanne and fo_poozle, amazing work!
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Congrats sherlockanne and fo_poozle, excellent work! Keep it up! :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Congrats, sherlockanne & fo_poozle. :D You two made some lovely icons.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

congratulations! :) :D..you all did a really nice work!
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

Alright guys, new challenge! :)

Challenge # 7 - Men of CSI:Miami


-You may enter up to three icons.
-Icons must be 100x100 pixels.
-PM your icons to either myself speed_cochrane or the lovely speedmonkey2.
-Do NOT post your icons here, or they will be disqualified.
-You may only use the pictures provided, please do not go looking for your own version of the same picture.

Y'all have until Friday, December 15th to enter your icons.


Pic01 Pic02
Pic03 Pic04
Pic05 Pic06
Pic07 Pic08
Pic09 Pic10

Pic12 Pic13
Pic15 Pic16
Pic17 Pic18
Pic19 Pic20

Pic21 Pic22
Pic23 Pic24
Pic25 Pic26

(Ryan caps + 1 Tripp cap from MiamiStyle Screencaps)

Good luck and enjoy! :D

Erm...Don't ask my why there isn't a number 14. :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

oh i'm in, great caps too i'm loving all the speedle <3
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #6 - VOTE!

I'm in! Wow... there's a lot of pics to choose from... :D
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

*GASP* SPEED! *HUGS* Great challenge Geni, and this time I won't forget t oenter lol
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #7

Well, Katie's (speedmonkey2) really the heart and lungs of these challenges. ;)

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. :)
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