Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

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Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

i got one last question, who volunteered to make the winner banners?

We haven't been making winner banners. But i'll talk to Speed_cochrane and see what she wants to do.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

ohh, okay. i didn't know.

thanks for the info speedmonkey2 :D
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Ok, well I talked to speed_cochrane and she thinks its a good idea. So i'll give it go. The winners should have their banners either later tonight or tomorrow evening.
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Great job everyone, Katie and Geni, you're doing a stellar job with the challenges, they're all very fun to do and it's fun to see the outcome! Thanks! :D
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Stunning icons everyone. I love them. I love the ones of Natalia. Macayla you always do a stunning job on your icons. I'm always impressed by your work.

Take Care,
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Congrats to the winners ;)

Do we get banners for the previous challenges too ?
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

*Is shocked* WOW I wasn't expecting that at all!! I didn't think any of my icons stood a chance... :eek: This is the first time I've placed in a challenge!

All the icons were so great guys! Congrats also to Macayla, Saranna, and Adzix!! :)
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

Do we get banners for the previous challenges too ?
Um...i'm not really sure because I'm having difficulty with the ones i'm doing now. Because i'm weird like that and I'm never satisified with anything I do. So i'm not sure. I'll talk it over with, speed_cochrane
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

I could make banners for those who won in the challenges that I've posted. (Since I still have y'alls icons ;)) Just PM me if you've won in a challenge that I've posted and you'd like a banner. :)

ETA: However, I won't be doing banners for those who won in the challenges that speedmonkey2 posted. - That is unless Katie doesn't mind if I help out?
Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up!

To be completley honest I've tried to do the banners and I just can't. They suck. Seriously they suck big time. So Geni if you wanted to help out that would be oober appreciated, but if not then umm.....*hides*
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