"I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

DragonflyDreamer said:
Is there a New York episode in which Mac throws someone agains a wall, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

He's done that to a few suspects, the episode Live or Let Die comes to mind. But if you're thinking non-suspects like co-workers, I don't believe he has.
allstar12 said:
DragonflyDreamer said:
Is there a New York episode in which Mac throws someone agains a wall, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

He's done that to a few suspects, the episode Live or Let Die comes to mind. But if you're thinking non-suspects like co-workers, I don't believe he has.

We can keep hoping!! haha.
ecklie is a csi who was originally supervisor of day shift (like how grissom is supervisor of night shift).

in season 5 he got promoted to assistant director of the crime lab. so he is in charge of all the csis on every shift (even supervisors) but im assuming the 'assistant' part means theres at least one person higher up than him in the pecking order.
I have always wondered this: why do CSI's use flashlights when they are at a crime scene? It happens every now and then. Wouldn't it be much easier if they turned on the lights when it's night or the scene is dark? Or to use natural light?
So, is there a reason/procedure thing behind this, or is it just the CSI style?!
First of all, the light switch might not have been processed for fingerprints. Second, the flashlights are actually ALS (Alternate Light Source) that have filters to seek out certain bodily fluids or other trace evidence.
the als is the blue light, and they do use regular flashlights. i think someone in the field answered this question before, and if i remember correctly if the lights are off they arent allowed to turn them on. also, having the beam of a flashlight makes it easier to notice little details you might not see if you were looking at the scene with all the lights on.

people who know more about it were talking in the thread here so you can check it out and probably get a better answer!
^^Thank you for the help :) I figured it could help them, as they could focus better, a piece of evidence at the time without getting distracted by other stuff, as there might be lots of evidence in the same place.
All explanations make some sense, even though those on the link you provided are a bit controversial. But I got the idea :)
Grissom once explained that they don't turn on the lights because they want to "preserve the scene just how it is."

I know they addressed this in "Blood Drops" but I believe they also talked about it in another episode, involving an apartment? I'm a little hazy.
I think her birthday is supposedly in September. The second episode or the pilot, one, it was her seventh birthday. So I believe that she's going to be 15 sometime in September. I don't think a specific day is written anywhere. I've always just assumed her birthday was mid to late September of 1992.

So, almost fifteen I think.