I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

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Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Oh, haha, told ya my brains not working... totally just read Mandy instead of Wendy... Okay thanks... I did know that somewhere back in my mind...
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Yeah I know... Thanks! I needed that for my fic lol
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

I have a question!
In the very first episode Brass seems to be in charge of everyone and everything, how come in the other episodes he doesnt really take charge.
Gris also took orders from him.. was Brass higher up or have they just become more friends and work together more as a team? :)
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Brass was in charge until one of his crew, Holly Gribbs, was killed in the line of duty. He stepped down and became a homicide detective.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Grissom took over the team in the 2nd ep of season one "Cool Change".

GIL GRISSOM: I just got off the phone with the Sheriff. He says he wants me to run the unit.
JIM BRASS: You're the boss.
JIM BRASS: I mean, I can't say I didn't do it to myself.
GIL GRISSOM: Where are they going to place you?
JIM BRASS: Homicide. Believe that?
JIM BRASS: Instead of moving up, I'm moving back in a time capsule, like it's 1979 again. So, I guess, this might put you and me at odds.

Later in the ep:

GIL GRISSOM: The sheriff phoned me earlier this morning. Brass has been moved back to homicide.
NICK STOKES: Who's going to run the unit?
GIL GRISSOM: For now? Me.

You can read the hold ep at the link I posted above.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Thank you very much!
Thats what I get for not watching them all in order. ;)

Its not Brass's fault, tho is it? Its Warricks.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Does anyone know of a connection that Penny had to Ernie Dell? Did she ever work at Mannleigh Chicken? I am writing a fic and I have watched and rewatched ep[isodes and I can't find anything anywhere. Thanks!
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Chadini she didn't work for Mannleigh Chicken as far as we know. If you haven't seen the finale yet, then I don't want to ruin anything for you and I suggest you don't read below...

In fact, I would assume he doesn't have any connection to her apart from through Natalie (the real MCSK). As he said in the finale (flash back) scene with Natalie, that she had asked him to deliver the package (with the mini crime scene in it) to, I think he said, 'that lady'. So it doesn't seem like he knows her at all.

Alien, it wasn't really Brass' fault, but someone had to take the fall, and he was the guy in charge. Sometimes that's the way it works, but yes, Warrick should have been with her, read into that what you will, maybe he was to blame, but then you can't predict that something like that would happen. Plus there should have been an officer with her at the scene really, so she should never have been on her own. :)
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Thanks much! I somehow had it stuck in my head that Ernie knew her. I appreciate it the quick response. I have to rewatch LD and get it all down.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

In the episode high and low, I am just wondering why Sara is only allowed in the lab and she only shows up 45 mins into the show..
Is there any reason why she isnt out in the field?
Was she ill or something? I didnt catch the first thing she said when she came to speak to cath.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

^ She said "I can't get out into the field because I'm maxed out on overtime for the month" :)
I don't know why she wasn't in the ep until the end, that happens far too often. :( Like Happenstance was the same.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Oh is that what she said. Im sure I dont pay too much attention to these programs. I was making tea when she came on and misheard her.
Thanks :)
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Can someone tell me what happened between Grissom and Sara? They are having a relationship in 7. season (I hope this isn't spoiler), but something happened much earlier. I didn't see all episodes, but I remember end of episode 3-22 (Play with fire) when Sara tries to talk to him, and he isn't in the mood for talking about his feelings. I read transcripts of earlier episodes, and I couldn't find what led to that conversation.
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