I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

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Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Right from the beginning there has been suggestion of Sara having a 'thing' for Grissom, going back to where they met before she even arrived in Las Vegas to work with him. So I guess you could say it started way back then! And a whole lot of things led to her asking him out in Play with Fire. Also he called her 'honey' in that episode, which was about as endearing as he'd ever got.

I dunno why exactly they chose that time for Sara to make her feelings known to him, it did seem a bit random the way it was done!
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Thank you. I was confused. Someone told me there were some kisses earlier, and I couldn't find it. In addition, that conversation was just few episodes after one with Grissom sitting in his car, staring in Lady H's door...
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

I was watching sex, lies and larvee and this caught my eye:

SARA: You want to sleep with me?

(GRISSOM freezes. He puts down his food and takes off his glasses.)

GRISSOM: Did you just say what I think you said?

SARA: That way, when I wake up in a cold sweat under the blanket, hearing
Kaye's screams ... you can tell me it's nothing. (beat) It's just empathy.

(Having said her piece, SARA turns and walks away. GRISSOM stares at the
doorway. He leans back in his chair, thinking. Then something occurs to him.)

Later on when Grissom is studying the decomposing pigs this occurs:

GRISSOM takes off his glasses and SARA hands him the thermos. He uncaps the
thermos and she takes out a fresh blanket, which she opens and wraps around his

(He looks at her and smiles.)

SARA: (quietly) Thanks.

Between these two dialogues there is no other speech between them.

Does anyone else think that he did what she asked and thats what she said thanks for?
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

I think she said "thanks" because he didn't just forget about the case, he went over it again and is trying to catch the husband who murdered Kaye. I believe Sara thought Gris was giving up on the husband and moving on, but when he went back to go over the blanket and realized he may have misinterpreted the evidence he had to redo his experiment. The fact that he did care made her in turn feel obligated to say "thanks" for not giving up, on the case, or on her gut instinct for that matter.

If you watch the scene where Sara enters the autopsy room and asks Gris why he signed up for another body, she obviously feels like he's walking away from the case, that it's at a dead end. When Gris shows her it's Kaye and that he's revisiting the evidence, she becomes relieved. :) Hehe, being a GSR shipper, I would LOVE to believe your thoery, but the ep points into a different direction.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Well i totally didnt get to see The good, the bad, the dominatrix and was wondering if anyone could summarize it a little for me. did any gsr happen in that episode?
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

GSR Questions can be answered better in the "Shipper Forum", you might checkout the Review by the writer for CSI Files. Also there is the "Ep Guide" for the LV show at the top of this forum.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

lizanator112890, at the top of each page of this message board are three links that might help you. They are episode guides for all three series. The review of the episode you asked about is here.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

I wouldn't be surprised if it is on innertube, or if they will rerun it before the new season. You can also get it on Itunes
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Hey everyone :) Would any of you happen to know the name of the episode with the judge who kills someone every year on his father's death anniversary date? He was female as a child, but transitioned to male to be able to protect his family. Anyone have a clue?
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

HauntMeAlways, the episode you are referring to is 'Identity Crisis' from season 2. :)

The character Paul Millander also appeared in the Pilot episode and 'Anonymous' from season 1.
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

There should be a thread for random CSI facts, cause this isn't a question, but I think that this is the most appropriate thread for this random fact.

Do any of you remember the old show Early Edition? It went off the air a few years ago, more than a few actually. In epsode 4x19, guess who guest starred? Matt Malloy (Max from Loco Motives) and he acted JUST LIKE MAX!!! LMAO.

I have yet to see the one in which Alex Carter (Vartann) guest stars...well, I saw it years ago, way before CSI, but I'm going through my old tapes now...when I do see it I'll tell you guys if he's anything like Vartann...
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

pabzi said:
I have yet to see the one in which Alex Carter (Vartann) guest stars.
pabzi, according to IMDB.com, Carter played Victor Crowley in Early Editiom season4 episode 5, "Camera Shy." That episode also had guest Gregory Itzin (CSI 1x13), Luis Antonio Ramos (CSI 3x22 and 7x21, CSI:M 5x1), Marissa Welsh (CSI:M 4x11), and January Welsh (CSI:M 4x11).
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

csi1073 said:
Does anyone know when season 7 will be out?

The US date hasn't been released yet, there is a thread about it here in Merchandise which will be updated as soon as the information is available. :)
Re: I Have An Episode/Character Question Thread *No Spoilers

Thank you Elsie
I was wondering though, he ended up with a child right? That isn't possible for transgender folk after their operations. Anyway, thank you for replying so quickly. :)
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