I Can't Believe It #6

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I cant' believe my employers have cancelled my mobile phone contract by mistake instead of my colleagues! So now, no one can contact me (which is actually quite good :lol: ).
Happy birthday Elsie!

I can't believe how weird but nice my hair looks today.
I can't believe how freaking late I was up watching the Grammys last night :lol:
I can't believe how freaking long it took Mary J Blige to thank everyone on the Grammys last night. God it was like, 5 minutes :p
I cant believe how much fun i had on the weekend.
I cant believe how sad i am for class today...i am waaay too tired :(
I cant bleieve how excited i am for wednesday,thursday, friday,saturday, sunday and monday!!! no class! So i might actually go somewhere.
I can't believe I had to escort 5 13-year-old pupils to the supermarket for some orientation-thingie and the manager there thought I was 13 as well :rolleyes: .. shush.. it's not funny anymore.

I can't believe my colleague walked into my classroom today and asked the kids where their teacher was *jumps up and down* HERE HERE!!

I can't believe I forgot to go to Arnhem and buy a ticket to Germany.

I can't believe how well my first class went today, just at the right moment, when the headmaster came to visit :p

I can't believe how cute my 3rd graders are :D They're tough and have a huuuuuge attitude, but when it comes to teasing me, they protect me with their lives.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I had to escort 5 13-year-old pupils to the supermarket for some orientation-thingie and the manager there thought I was 13 as well :rolleyes: .. shush.. it's not funny anymore.

Yeah I know that. It's always the same with my little sister and I. We meet new people and they're going: 'Who's the oldest? Gosh you could be twins!' ... And yeah she's three years younger than me. :p
SaraStar said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe I had to escort 5 13-year-old pupils to the supermarket for some orientation-thingie and the manager there thought I was 13 as well :rolleyes: .. shush.. it's not funny anymore.

Yeah I know that. It's always the same with my little sister and I. We meet new people and they're going: 'Who's the oldest? Gosh you could be twins!' ... And yeah she's three years younger than me. :p

I'm 23 :p ten years older than the pupils :rolleyes:

I can't believe I'm multitasking.. here, on the phone, and planning a party for friends.. the intensity of my brain!
SaraStar said:
^ LOL. I cannot believe my little sister is taller than me. Yeah, I'm serious. It's so unfair. :p

:lol: *no comment*

I can't believe my mother doesn't know how to handle teenagers..
I can't believe I'm looking forward to school tomorrow.
I can't believe it's Monday again.
I can't believe I know I won't be happy with 80% for my English grammar test.
I can't believe I didn't make homework today but chose for watching CSI instead.
I can't believe my sister doesn't know the difference between strawberry and vanilla milkshakes :p
I can't believe I bought wine for dinner today.
I can't believe we had a fight during dinner.. again!
I can't believe my dad talked to me about turning sixteen (which is the legal drinking age here, and the legal age to get into bars). He wanted to know if I planned on going out in the weekends and stuff :lol:. I also can't believe he lets me go out! He's always like: yeah, that's way too late, be home at midnight! Midnight is the time every bar opens :lol:. But now he is like: Well, if you're home at half past three, then it's okay. YAY for my dad!
SaraStar said:
^ LOL. I cannot believe my little sister is taller than me. Yeah, I'm serious. It's so unfair. :p

:lol: I'm five years younger than my sister and taller than both my grandmothers, and when everyone put us back to back yesterday and confirmed it she pushed me away and said, "I don't want to hear it!" :lol: :p
I can't believe how busy my weekend was. :eek:
I can't believe I've had about 8 hours sleep over the whole weekend. :(
I can't believe I had 62 pictures of random things that no one needed to take pictures of :lol: I'm serious, I had pictures of little kid clothes :p

I can't believe how annoying my house is. agh
I can't believe how much I'm enjoying Talk CSI and how amazing and talented Talk CSI FanFic writers are.

Keep on writting......
I can't believe my sister just called to tell me her car had broken down on the way to work. :eek:

She's run out of petrol! :lol:
I can't believe I almost fell asleep in the shower this morning! :lol: God, I'm so stupid

I can't believe the more sleep I get, the more tired I am. Weird..
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