I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe my parents won't let me go to Boston with my friend. I know I'm young but I know so many people there who would love to help us and be 'parents'.
I can't believe I have the day off work! *yay*

I can't believe I'm into central London today! *yay*
I can't believe I was all dizzy Friday night..
..and Saturday night :lol:

I can't believe I went to bed at 3:45 am Friday night!

I can't believe I got so many presents this weekend.

I can't believe my sis and I made a video clip while we were brushing our teeth :lol:
I can't believe I actaully got up at 6:30 like I planned too! Usually I press snooze a bazillion times!

I can't believe how pathetic I can be :p
I can't believe I've tried my best to avoid the flu everyone has and now I have a sore throat.

I can't believe how much I hate my boss at this moment in time.

I can't believe how much I wish I lived somewhere else.
I can't believe it's 191412kb.. :eek: jeez, this will take ages!
I can't believe I had so much fun during the weekend.
I can't believe I drank blue stuff.. and it's still in the fridge, because actually it tasted horrible.
I can't believe we made our own snakebite and it tasted so good :D
I cant believe that i just saw someone get beat up and one of my friends thought it was funny, i almost cried, i mean i dont like the kid but i woould NEVER ever hurt him.
I can't believe how randomly hungry I am!
I can't believe Allie and I are going to bake a cake and eat while wathing CSI tomorrow! :lol:
I can't believe my roommate got 42% on a test! :eek: Glad I'm not her
I can't believe I haven't eaten breakfast for the fourth day in a row!

I can't believe how annoying doing a group presentation is! :mad:
Elsie said:
I can't believe I haven't eaten breakfast for the fourth day in a row!

I can't believe you actually have breakfast usually :p
I can't believe my fave pupil from 2nd class got 83% on her English test.. *proud*, the average was around 60%
I can't believe they actually learn something during English class :lol:
I can't believe the headmaster is going to visit two of my lessons on Monday and Tuesday and I'm not nervous
I can't believe there's a huuuuge pile of papers on my desk which needs to be sorted out during the weekend.
I can't believe 2nd class is not going langlaufing.. *looks out window* dudes, there's snow :rolleyes:
I can't believe there so much snow here that I had to wait so long for the bus.

I can't believe the streets are so frosted that the cars have to drive so slowly
I can't believe I haven't been in Misc in FOREVER! :eek: *ties self to Misc*

I can't believe that cheese cake tasted terrible. Blech!
^ I was wondering where you'd gone Geni :p Don't you love us anymore? :eek: :lol:

Wow, I can't believe the council came around my village and shovelled the snow off the roads and put grit down...looks like I don't pay ridiculously expensive council tax bills for nothing after all :lol:
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