I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe I slept in until 12:30 PM when I was so excited! :p

I can't believe last night my nose started randomly bleeding, I got dizzy and really hot, that was odd :p
I cant believe there was a mouse at the shopping center today....it was so disgusting!! He was fat and icky! and he was LOOKING AT ME!!! :eek: And did i mention it was alive?!
I can't believe I watched 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' 3 times in the past week. That is soooo sad!

I can't believe how much I've worked recently... 23 hours of standing on my feet over the past three days!
I can't believe i am back here again! :D
i can't believe it feels so wierd.. :rolleyes: why? i don't know..only aliens knows why :p
Wow! I can't believe how hauntingly beautiful the Pan's Labyrinth soundtrack is! :eek: This is definitely one of my favourite soundtracks ever! :eek: :D
I can't believe how much I've missed Jack Bauer. I've been in heaven now that season 5 started (2 eppys in a row)

*huggles Kiefer*
Season 5 just started here :( they show it on SubTV on sundays and repeat the eppy on tuesdays on mtv3. :D

I still have my season 1 dvd ;)

*still harasses Kiefer*
I can't believe I've not been out at all today.
I can't believe how good today has been, I got loads of stuff done - more than I had hoped. :D
I can't believe how expensive the food I bought in Marks and Spencer was! I can't believe how little of it was eaten either, now I have random left over party food for the rest of the week.... :p
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