I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe how tired I am
I can't believe how much there was for me to do today... I only took one day off!
I can't believe I slept for over two hours when I got home
I can't believe how late it is
I can't believe how unplanned this last minute plan a couple of my friends made is.

I can't believe how dumb my roommates can be! Me: If my phone starts beeping, just turn it off, because it'll probably die tonight" them "okay, okay" *next morning* "your phone wouldnt stop beeping!" agh, idiots :lol:
I can't believe I still got my cold. I've had it since Tuesday, I was hoping it would have gone by now. :rolleyes:
I can't believe my 'idol' volunteered to help me :D
I can't believe she said she likes my work. Well, not in those words exactly, but I'll take what I can get :p
I can't believe that I'm working on yet *another* friday. Whatever happened to having fridays off? Grr.
I can't believe my tummy ache :(
I can't believe I still have so many things to do!
I can't believe my brother still didn't give me his old Xbox.
I can't believe I soooo want to go to the zoo, but my mind says to wait till summer.
I can't believe we'll be having casino night at work at the same day I'm going out with my sister.. choices, choices..
I can't believe I brought a mascara this morning and it turned out to be the wrong color. Also I can't believe the supermarket I brought it from failed to put the color of the mascara on the packaging, so you have no idea what color your buying. :lol: I wanted black and I ended up with brown, which is not so bad, but still, it's the point of it. :eek:

I can't believe on my way to work this morning I had to be diverted by the police. :eek: Before turning down a road (which I'd never been down before in my life) I looked further up and saw a car, and it was absolutely wrecked (it was in two :(). There were about 6 police cars. :eek: Anyway I ended up going blindly down a road following everyone else, hoping they knew where they were going, because I had no idea. Luckily I came on to a road a little further up from the accident.
JayneEmilysRealm said:
Lizzy_004 said:
I can't believe I have the same birthday as Oprah Winfrey :D :D YAY!
Oh dear.. here she goes... :rolleyes:

HEY! Don't mock my new fandom!

JayneEmilysRealm said:
I can't believe we'll be having casino night at work at the same day I'm going out with my sister.. choices, choices..

Family's always the most important, Jayne! You have to go for your sister. :)

I can't believe it's just two more days
I can't believe I'm seeing my best friend again today
I can't believe I don't get any real presents this year.
Lizzy_004 said:
I can't believe I don't get any real presents this year.
Awww, you only get imaginary presents?? :rolleyes:

I can't believe I'm watching the x-factor from like.. uhm.. months ago!
I can't believe it took me two hours to clean the livingroom.. it was a horrible mess :eek:
I can't believe I still need to check some 30-odd bookreports *sigh*
I can't believe I have too many clothes.. no wait, my closet is too small.
i can't believe i'm drunk :lol:
I can't believe i'm playing CS (counter-strike) :D i need to grow up :lol:
i can't believe i am sitting in my bed at 22:36pm, wich is wierd, couse i always go sleep at 3:00am, and mom don't know that i am drunk :p well.. at least i hope
so :rolleyes:
I can't believe my friend runned into the wall today, that was so funny :lol:
i can't believe in shop i heard song about sex :D but i liked it! :D
I can't believe today is my one year anniversary as a mod! Wow, one year later and I still have a little bit of sanity. :lol:
^ :lol: Congrats.

I can't believe I had food poisoning last night from a cupcake. Or it could be from the kalamari or saganaki I had, I dunno. I'll spare you all the gross details but me+toliet bowl made me feel much better :lol:.
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