I Can't Believe It #6

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I can't believe I've still got so much decorating to do in my room. It's never ending. :rolleyes:

I can't believe how much money I've spent this past week. :eek:
I can't believe I started talking to a commerical yesterday :lol: It was the CSI commerical for next episode, and I was like "Yes, Yes, that is quite a good question, who is this man, who could he be?" Then my roommate pointed out, I'm talking to a commerical! :lol: I felt a bit crazy after that :p

I can't beleive when my alarm clock went off I thought it was a part of my dream! Cause I was having a dream I was in some weird alarm clock world :lol:
I can't believe how cold it is!
I can't believe I have to work today. It was supposed to be my day off :mad:
I can't believe I have to wait for a bus in this weather, and walk part way to work. I hate our transit system.
I can't believe I'm doing nothing and it's Friday night! God, I get to sit around all alone :(

I can't believe how much my roommate talks, she's like constant "bla bla bla bla bla" :p
i went to my local shopping center today and there was a load of young american footballers hanging around, they looked very misplaced, keep in mind im in england
I can't believe this bruise I have on my elbow!
I can't believe I slept for more than 2 hours in the middle of the afternoon :(
WillowsWannaBe said:
I can't believe this kiwi I'm eating is a little rotten. OMG.
Eww! :lol:

I can't believe I've got to admit defeat and buy a new mobile. Yes, not only does the flip not flip, you now can’t see the screen! :eek: More money to shell out. :rolleyes:
i can't believe it its January and outside is storm :p Global warning! :D
I can't believe it, my parents are still sleeping :p
i can't believe that i have internet connection while outside is so windy.. progress! :lol:
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